Mind Control Self Improvement

Personality Dimensions in EFT

There’s a regular practice of dealing with belief systems among EFT (emotional freedom technique) practitioners. In one of the EFT newsletters, Gary Craig writes:

For disbelieving EFT newcomers it helps to “build a bridge” to their belief systems. An effective way to do this is to build on their existing beliefs with language of the general form…. “EFT is like [what they believe in] with the addition of [an EFT feature]. For example, if you know someone who believes in hypnotherapy you could say, “EFT is like hypnotherapy but with the addition of an important body element.” You could also be creative with the language and say something like, “Chiropractors like to use EFT because it adds an important emotional element.” Note how it builds from an existing belief. Use your imagination. You can build a bridge from EFT to almost anything else with this language pattern.

Let’s elaborate on Gary’s practice of working with personal belief systems by discovering a person’s personality dimensions. I discuss this concept in detail at EFT vs. Ancient Keys, but I would like to elaborate upon it for your further understanding.

These questions are taken from the course on Keys To Power Persuasion. In revealing a person’s personality dimensions, you discover and use the same ideas your client uses within his/her concept of reality.

Let’s say that the subject of conversation is about your client’s health and the client is obese. Please understand that noone is 100% in any particular direction (because of complex motivations set by culture.) The personality dimension will, in one way or another encompass the opposites of the personality dimension, so they waver towards one end or the other. For example:

  • How do you feel about getting into shape so you can be healthier?
  • This question reveals if a person is mainly a pain avoider or a pleasure seeker. In all likely hood, obese people are mostly pain avoiders since they’ve built a wall of “insulation” around them. You would speak to this person in terms of avoiding pain. An adjunct to this question would be, “How do you feel about being out of shape?” That is, if your client has already mentioned this of himself.
  • What about being healthy is important to you?
  • The answer to this question reveals if a person is emotional or logical. Does the person want to feel good or does she want to fit into smaller clothes because she can’t afford any more big clothes? etc. An adjunct to this question is “what about being obese is important to you?” Of course, You would ask such a question only if the client denotes some sort of importance to her condition.
  • How would you describe being healthy?
  • The answer to this question reveals if your client is detail oriented or thinks in terms of big pictures. Obviously you would ask this question only if the client was healthy sometime in his life. An adjunct to this question is, “How do imagine yourself being healthy?” if the person has always had health problems.
  • What do you consider as a good time – like the ideal vacation?
  • The answer to this question reveals if your client is self-centered (a loner) or other centered (a joiner). (FYI: Most of the people who spend time on the web are loners, although they believe they’re joiners by belonging to all sorts of web-based groups.) Your response should appeal to wherever their pride lies.

    A loner likes to think he’s a special, one of a kind person, among the few who are able to do or make certain things. A loner has a lot of pride in himself whereas a joiner his pride in his group by spending quality social time with them.

  • How do you know if a diet and exercise plan is good?
  • The answer to this question reveals if your client is a leader or a follower. FYI: Most people are followers. Very few people are leaders. It helps to ask this question anyway. Because a person tends to lean one way or another, you would speak with her in those terms.

    For example, if a person says, “Well, I like to hear about the success of other people who tried it, but I don’t really know until I’ve tried it for myself.” Since the client mentions first, that she wants to hear the success stories of others, she leans more towards being a follower. Then you would talk with her in terms of how much success the method has had with others in the past.

There’s a lot more information in the Keys To Power Persuasion course than I can possibly cover here. I believe that it’s a perfect adjunct to emotional freedom techniques.

Thanks for your time!


Randolph, HealingMindN Medicine Man

Mind Control Self Improvement

Chocolate Meditation: a HealingMindN perspective

True Divine Nature(TM) Introduces “the Chocolate Meditation(TM)” CD

Last update: 4:35 a.m. EDT July 21, 2008

SEATTLE, Jul 21, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Spiritual teachers and food lovers, Julie Dittmar and Matt Kahn are now offering “The Chocolate Meditation(TM) – Being One with the Sweetness of Life,” a revolutionary new CD that for the first time, uses chocolate as a powerful metaphor for living a peaceful life.


“The Chocolate Meditation(TM)” is now available online at and for $17.98, and iTunes and CD Baby for $11.98. It includes two deeply calming meditations that settle the overactive mind, and enhance the pleasure of the chocolate eating experience.


Matt Kahn, hailed by audiences and the media as a modern day mystic, and “Seattle’s very own Eckhart Tolle,” and his partner, Julie Dittmar, are the founders of True Divine Nature(TM), a company dedicated to serving the lives of all who are called to awaken to a higher level of consciousness.


Dittmar says, “Now, through this CD, any occasion can be a reason to give the gift of peace, in a fun and delicious way.” Kahn adds, “This was created as an experience of profound joy and stillness. By combining the rich ingredients of our healing work with our deep love for chocolate, it provides balance and harmony to the listener…helping one get off the emotional merry-go-round in today’s fast-paced world.”


This CD is voiced by Julie Dittmar, an internationally renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist, and one of the top-selling imagery guides in the U.S. She is an award-winning voiceover talent whose CDs have been featured on PBS. The customized music is scored exclusively by Grammy Award-winning composer Tom Kellock to promote relaxation in the physical body.


The guided imagery process used in this CD has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. It remains an accepted and successful means to increase wellness, and is used in clinics and hospitals worldwide.

The use of chocolate imagery in this CD evokes a sense of playfulness and bliss, and, when combined with the ambient music and relaxing voice, creates a luxurious spa-like vacation from the frenetic pace of life. This meditation experience boosts one’s self-esteem, self-worth, and promotes emotional balance, and a healthy body image.


Those who have experienced “The Chocolate Meditation(TM)” CD, report they are living with a significantly deeper sense of ease, sleeping more peacefully at night, have improved interpersonal relationships, and are even losing weight. Internationally renowned yoga instructor Shiva Rea says, “‘The Chocolate Meditation(TM)‘ is a deliciously peaceful experience.” Food Network Challenge Chef Michelle Bommarito adds, “This chocolate dream awakens the love that stirs within.”

Like I said in my latest HealingMindN Meditation Guide, there are all kinds of meditation for all kinds of people. The Chocolate Meditation is one of my personal favourites; it’s right up there with Transcendental Meditation and even the Kabbalah (can you extrude flavour, texture, and scent from Hebrew letters in your mind?)

Chocolate provides that sensual experience of elation that allows your mind to relax because there’s so much prior information (heart knowledge) to rely upon. Treat it as if you’re laying under the summer sun in the cool surf, listening to the pulsating waves of the ocean as the salty mist covers your body in wave after wave of chocolate ecstacy.

Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Supernatural vs Emotional Securities

I like this particular recent article by Gary Craig, “We are babes crawling on the floor of the Universe,” because he dares to suggest supernatural human oddities as becoming more natural with the advancement of the human race. This idea is direct opposition to nay-sayers, self proclaimed “critical thinkers,” and “Woo-wooers” who dismiss super natural human achievements as magic and illusion.

This process goes back to one of my articles a few years ago entitled, “Constructs of Belief” wherein The Constructs of belief are built upon the emotional securities of popular thought in the average person. Popular thought is best termed as social mood.

Do you remember from renaissance times – or maybe you weren’t born yet – how there were nay-sayers all over Leonardo DaVinci who contantly poo-pooed his flying machine designs while calling him the “left hand of satan” for making explicit drawings of anatomy? Excuse me. What would you call those nay-sayers today? That was the social mood back then which was a leftover from the dark ages – just as it is today.

The analysts at Elliot Wave International are always correct in their predictions of the stock market because part of the underlying basis is that stocks are driven by social mood – which is mostly based in fear. EWI analysts confirm that presiding social mood precipitates down turns in the market when its based in fear.

Beliefs based in fear distort reality. People riding the wave of a fear based social mood experience any number positive or negative hallucinations about reality in order to protect their emotional securities. In fact, people put more stock in their emotional securities than their financial securities.

The recent frakus concerning customers drawing out their money from ginnie mae and fannie mae was precipitated by the social mood of fear rather than any kind of intellectual analysis. Ask any of the EWI analysts: The Fibonacci projections in the stock market are based in presiding social mood where there’s a lot of fear.

Can you imagine what any thoughts of walking on white hot coals with bare feet, yet no damage does to someone who puts so much stock in his emotional securities? As Gary Craig pointed out, such a person goes ballistic.

You see, that’s why all the idealistic crazies like me talking about advancing humanity are reserved for the web. The evils and sicknesses in this world are at the forefront of reports by the “sane, realisitic” people. For someone with emotional securities based in fear, talks of evil and sickness are like the cream in his coffee.

I’m pretty sure that I’m not dissing you, since you’re reading this. So here’s a little secret: One of the easiest ways to take advantage of your innate supernatural abilities, God’s Gift to you, is to try EFT for yourself. Download Gary Craig’s EFT Manual to experiment on your own supernatural healing.

God Bless,

Randolph, HealingMindN medicine man

Mind Control Self Improvement

Habits of High Achievers (with examples)

Actually, I’ve been studying this list for a while now which is under the title, “Fifty Habits of Highly Successful People.” I still remember buying these high achiever courses on cassette a few decades ago. I think they did a really good job and this list by Craig Harper provides excellent reminders of those qualities to which we should all aspire.

In fact, I’m just going to copy that list here and do my own spin:

Habits of successful people (with examples)….

1. They look for and find opportunities where others see nothing. (e.g. Ray Kroc envisioned a world-wide, multi billion dollar restaurant chain, whereas, the McDonald Bros just wanted a few hangouts for the kids.)

2. They find a lesson while others only see a problem. (e.g. )
3. They are solution focused. (e.g.)

4. They consciously and methodically create their own success, while others hope success will find them.

5. They are fearful like everyone else, but they are not controlled or limited by fear. (e.g.)

6. They ask the right questions – the ones which put them in a productive, creative, positive mindset and emotional state. (e.g. “If heartache, fear, financial woes or other problems arise, How do I work through them to connect to the light?”)

7. They rarely complain (waste of energy). All complaining does is put the complainer in a negative and unproductive state.

8. They don’t blame (what’s the point?). They take complete responsibility for their actions and outcomes (or lack thereof).

9. While they are not necessarily more talented than the majority, they always find a way to maximise their potential. They get more out of themselves. They use what they have more effectively.

10. They are busy, productive and proactive. While most are laying on the couch, planning, over-thinking, sitting on their hands and generally going around in circles, they are out there getting the job done. (Reminder: There is a label from traditional Chinese Medical Theory known as “False Fire.” I believe that Craig is referring to focused activity for positive outcome rather than just being busy for the sake of being busy.)

11. They align themselves with like-minded people. They understand the importance of being part of a team. They create win-win relationships.

12. They are ambitious; they want amazing – and why shouldn’t they? They consciously choose to live their best life rather than spending it on auto-pilot.

13. They have clarity and certainty about what they want (and don’t want) for their life. They actually visualise and plan their best reality while others are merely spectators of life.

14. They innovate rather than imitate. (as opposed to spinning on someone else’s writing like what I’m doing here.)

15. They don’t procrastinate and they don’t spend their life waiting for the ‘right time’.

16. They are life-long learners. They constantly work at educating themselves, either formally (academically), informally (watching, listening, asking, reading, student of life) or experientially (doing, trying)… or all three.

17. They are glass half full people – while still being practical and down-to-earth. They have an ability to find the good.

18. They consistently do what they need to do, irrespective of how they are feeling on a given day. They don’t spend their life stopping and starting. ()

19. They take calculated risks – financial, emotional, professional, psychological. ()

20. They deal with problems and challenges quickly and effectively, they don’t put their head in the sand. They face their challenges and use them to improve themselves.

21. They don’t believe in, or wait for fate, destiny, chance or luck to determine or shape their future. They believe in, and are committed to actively and consciously creating their own best life.

22. While many people are reactive, they are proactive. They take action before they have to.

23. They are more effective than most at managing their emotions. They feel like we all do but they are not slaves to their emotions.

24. They are good communicators and they consciously work at it. (e.g. At a dinner for Commonwealth dignitaries one evening, Winston Churchill was approached by the chief of protocol and quietly informed that one of the distinguished guests had slipped a silver salt shaker into his pocket. At the end of the meal, Churchill gingerly slipped up to the offender and produced the matching pepper shaker from his own pocket. “Oh, dear,” he said, “we were seen. Perhaps we had both better put them back.”)

25. They have a plan for their life and they work methodically at turning that plan into a reality. Their life is not a clumsy series of unplanned events and outcomes.

26. Their desire to be exceptional means that they typically do things that most won’t. They become exceptional by choice. We’re all faced with live-shaping decisions almost daily. Successful people make the decisions that most won’t and don’t. (e.g. Though the Egyptian viceroy Mohamed Ali was directed by the sultan at Constantinople to punish the Wahhabis who had defied his command, he had great difficulty broaching the area called Nejd, the heartland of Wahhabi power densely populated with desert fighters. One day he found himself sitting with his generals, each of whom declared that if only he were given command, he could conquer Nejd without difficulty. Mohamed Ali finally rose and placed an apple in the center of a large carpet. “The task of conquering Nejd is a difficult one,” he remarked. “It is like seizing this apple without setting foot on the carpet. The man who is able to perform such a thing is the man capable of capturing Nejd.” While Ali’s generals contemplated the problem, his son, Ibrahim Pasha, asked whether he might attempt a solution. He then rose, approached the carpet, knelt down at its edge and began rolling it up. Reaching the apple, he grasped it with ease. Ibrahim Pasha was promptly appointed commander of the Egyptian forces in Arabia and, after a bloody two-year campaign, he captured Nejd and utterly crushed Wahhabi power.)

27. While many people are pleasure junkies and avoid pain and discomfort at all costs, successful people understand the value and benefits of working through the tough stuff that most would avoid.

28. They have identified their core values (what is important to them) and they do their best to live a life which is reflective of those values.

29. They have balance. While they may be financially successful, they know that the terms money and success are not interchangeable. They understand that people who are successful on a financial level only, are not successful at all. Unfortunately we live in a society which teaches that money equals success. Like many other things, money is a tool. It’s certainly not a bad thing but ultimately, it’s just another resource. Unfortunately, too many people worship it.

30. They understand the importance of discipline and self-control. They are strong. They are happy to take the road less travelled. (e.g. [Arnold Schwarzenegger] was subject to intense discipline from a very early age. Hitler’s homeland in the immediate post-war period was a tough place to live, and Arnold was 14 before his family enjoyed such luxuries as a fridge, a phone and even indoor plumbing. His father, Gustav, was a police chief in Graz, leaving Arnold and his older brother Meinhard to be raised by their mother Aurelia.

“You’d expect a policeman to be a strict father, but Gustav was doubly so. Being a curling champion, he was keen to push his boys to athletic excellence too. They would rise at 6, do their chores, then perform sit-ups and squats before their breakfast. They were allowed out on Sunday evenings but, legend has it, were required to deliver a 10-page essay on their activities before retiring to bed.

“It worked. Meinhard rapidly became a champion boxer. Arnold too was quick to find a beefy vocation. Training for the local soccer team, he began to lift weights. Studying his body, now aged 15, he realised that to give it perfect proportions he’d need 20-inch biceps – he set to work immediately. At 18, there was National Service, and Arnold signed up, only to go AWOL within a month in order to attend the Mr Junior Europe bodybuilding contest in Stuttgart. He won, with a perfect score, and spent seven days in the brig for his pains.”)

31. They are secure. They do not derive their sense of worth of self from what they own, who they know, where they live or what they look like.

32. They are generous and kind. They take pleasure in helping others achieve.

33. They are humble and they are happy to admit mistakes and to apologise. They are confident in their ability, but not arrogant. They are happy to learn from others. They are happy to make others look good rather than seek their own personal glory.

34. They are adaptable and embrace change, while the majority are creatures of comfort and habit. They are comfortable with, and embrace, the new and the unfamiliar.

35. They keep themselves in shape physically, not to be mistaken with training for the Olympics or being obsessed with their body. They understand the importance of being physically well. They are not all about looks, they are more concerned with function and health. Their body is not who they are, it’s where they live.

36. They have a big engine. They work hard and are not lazy.

37. They are resilient. When most would throw in the towel, they’re just warming up.

38. They are open to, and more likely to act upon, feedback.

39. They don’t hang out with toxic people.

40. They don’t invest time or emotional energy into things which they have no control of.

41. They are happy to swim against the tide, to do what most won’t. They are not people pleasers and they don’t need constant approval.

42. They are more comfortable with their own company than most.

43. They set higher standards for themselves (a choice we can all make), which in turn produces greater commitment, more momentum, a better work ethic and of course, better results.

44. They don’t rationalise failure. While many are talking about their age, their sore back, their lack of time, their poor genetics, their ‘bad luck’, their nasty boss and their lack of opportunities (all good reasons to fail), they are finding a way to succeed despite all their challenges.

45. They have an off switch. They know how to relax, enjoy what they have in their life and to have fun.

46. Their career is not their identity, it’s their job. It’s not who they are, it’s what they do.

47. They are more interested in effective than they are in easy. While the majority look for the quickest, easiest way (the shortcut), they look for the course of action which will produce the best results over the long term.

48. They finish what they start. While so many spend their life starting things that they never finish, successful people get the job done – even when the excitement and the novelty have worn off. Even when it ain’t fun.

49. They are multi-dimensional, amazing, wonderful complex creatures (as we all are). They realise that not only are they physical and psychological beings, but emotional and spiritual creatures as well. They consciously work at being healthy and productive on all levels.

50. They practice what they preach. They don’t talk about the theory, they live the reality.

OK, I’ve provided a few examples of high achievers above. I would like you to also provide examples to go along with the above attributes. The few examples that I’ve provided may not even be as perfect as what you have in mind, so go ahead and correct me, please.

Thanks for your intellectual contributions to HealingMindN Power Circle. I will also provide more examples as I find time.


HealingMindN Medicine Man

Philosophy Self Improvement

Lift Your Spirits


Dear Friend:

If you believe, as I do, that the world needs an uplifting movie that celebrates human diversity then you should see the documentary ONE: THE MOVIE. Transcending cultural and religious barriers, this insightful film features some of today’s most prominent luminaries answering some of life’s most profound questions.

“Spiritual Cinema Circle provides a great service if you want to evolve and be entertained.”– Deepak Chopra

In ONE: THE MOVIE, novice filmmaker Ward M. Powers set out on a personal quest to answer the meaning of life. Armed with the mantra “We are all ONE” he found himself interviewing some of the most profound spiritual and cultural icons including; Thich Nhat Hanh, Father Thomas Keating, Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Robert Thurman and more.

ONE: THE MOVIE is now available from The Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club committed to bringing you heart-warming and transformational shorts, documentaries and feature films. New subscribers to the Spiritual Cinema Circle will receive a free copy of the documentary ONE: THE MOVIE (for a nominal shipping fee) if they sign up before July 14th, 2008.

Learn more at

Good Times Entertainment

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Social Mood: Influencing the Elements

I recently saw an informative movie online: History’s Hidden Engine. This documentary provides an excellent explanation of humanity’s behavior according to collective social mood (AKA “herd” behavior). Here is a synopsis:

History’s Hidden Engine is the result of more than three years of research and creativity by filmmaker David Edmond Moore. Moore traveled North America to capture the insights of 17 brilliant minds, then wove them into this film. In just 59 minutes and with the help of pop songs, news footage and cultural images, this documentary shows how social mood drives trends in movies, music, fashion, finance, economics, politics, the media, war and more.”

What Creates Social Mood?

For some reason, History’s Hidden Engine seemed to evade this question. To me, this is the most important question to answer because this is the driving force of social patterns, social events, and overall human productivity. How do we guide those complex motivations? Let’s explore the esoterica of influencing the motivations which set social mood.

Social mood is at the crux of this entire movie on the Hidden Engine within nature. Humanity functions within a consensual, shared reality according to the presiding social mood; this happens much in the same way as neural patterns happen in the brain. For example, we can have a presiding alpha neural pattern over all the other neural patterns. All neural patterns still exist, but one in particular is always in the majority according biorhythm and attitude.

A source of Social Mood

For the moment, let’s leave “herd” behavior theories behind to explore the even bigger picture of human collective consciousness in connection with the elements.

You may remember from the article, The Reason for Alpha Meditation: All the lightning storms happening all around the planet are like so much planetary neural activity; they produce standing resonant electromagnetic waves like so many neural patterns. In turn, these standing wave harmonics influence the neural patterns of the people on this planet as a form of geophysical entrainment.

Now, if all that exists in the universe is classical physics, then we would have to stop there: We would have to say that humans are not much more than robots subject to forces of geomagnetic entrainment or whatever technology is artificially pushing the ionospheric envelope. The difference is – You know better.

You have the ability to influence cosmic forces around you. You also have the ability create your own reality. You have these abilities for a reason. First, let’s talk about your connection with etheric forces.

Influencing the Elements

If you have read Visual Ray Psionics, then maybe you tried the experiment on cloudbusting. If you have not done this yet, then I encourage you to do it. This experiment provides proof positive your ability to influence the elements through ether physics.

Cosmic primordial energy, or ether, is the precursor to creation of electromagnetic forces. (All the Michaelson-Morley experiment proved is that the ether is not electromagnetic in nature. If you want to know more about etheric forces, you should look up the book by Trevor James Constable, Cosmic Pulse of Life.)

Since you are able to influence these precursor forces of nature, in turn, you are able to influence the geomagnetic forces which are a function of etheric forces. Yes, you can cause the wind to rise and rains to fall with the proper discipline and determination.

But there’s even more to our God-Given abilities. We also need to consider our connection to the underlying fabric of existence and our connection to higher consciousness.

Influencing the Quantum Holographic Paradigm:

Recently, I had a dream. I don’t usually tell people about my dreams, but this one is too interesting to keep to myself: I was sitting at a sky blue, round table near an old, well groomed man with a short, white beard. We were in what looked like a restaurant that didn’t seem very busy. It was very bright inside from the daylight because of large windows all around us.

The old man was explaining something to me: “Man will give you whatever you want according to classical science… God gives you whatever you want according to quantum science…” This old man was explaining a number of things to me even as the dream was fading. As I was waking up, His Voice became louder and deeper drowning out all the other background noise.

I don’t remember every detail that he told me, but the ideas he provided resonated through me.

By the same token, I provide you with all of my inspiration through my collective writings as I stand on the shoulders of great researchers before me.

For example, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot explains how the superhologram is the matrix that has given birth to everything in our universe. Collective DNA Consciousness demonstrates how DNA forms an intelligent network which is influenced and programmed by intention expressed through word language and ideas. In Nature’s Mind: the Quantum Hologram by Edgar Mitchell, we learn how intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance and many similar information phenomena seem to be easily explained by means of the nonlocal quantum hologram.

The problem with these collective writings is that they only provide head knowledge. From the article, “How do you choose to believe?” we learned that we need the heart knowledge or learning through actual experience. All of reality operates according to the quantum holographic paradigm through which our minds serve as the quantum holographic computer interface.

Academy Of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

I recently came upon the works of Gerald O’Donnell through a talk show interview with Michael Jura. Gerald O’Donnell is the Western Europe Intelligence counter part to Col. Ed Dames Remote Viewing U.S. Intelligence Services. You can listen to an interview with Mr. O’Donnell entitled Mind Power to Influence where he discusses paranormal, psychic, and social connections to everyone’s “reality bubble” within the “matrix” as he puts it.

Gerald O’Donnell and I think alike in a lot of respects. In fact, I’m a little jealous of him because he has so much more experience in this field of mind control and he’s putting out these audio courses where he teaches you the methods for remote viewing and influencing; he actually helps you to induce the higher consciousness within yourself for changing your own reality at will.

When you visit his site at Probable Future, you will find a number of sampler trance inducing sessions that really work. These are not simpleton hypnotic sessions; Gerald induces your higher consciousness exactly because he comes from the perspective of realizing and understanding your higher self as the one who changes your reality. You simply need the heart knowledge to do it and Gerald provides you with that heart knowledge. Visit his site at Probable Future and discover that heart knowledge for yourself.

What about HealingMindN Meditation at Youtube?

HealingMindN Meditation is great for inducing a positive attitude, but Gerald takes you many steps beyond by helping you to shift your consciousness to help you fix your reality bubble. HealingMindN Meditation is a great pick me up for feeling those healing connections, but Gerald’s course on Remote Viewing and Influencing provides the kind of step by step heart knowledge that most people need to help change their world and the world around them.

Global Warming?

So many of these global warming activists keep contacting me lately that I’ve just been turning them off and deleting their messages right away. If we really intend on eliminating pollution from dark age technologies, then we have to do it from another perspective. I’m sorry, but I’m just not going to jump on that global warming bandwagon – and for good reason.

Some geophysicists and academicians will go on and on how global warming is part of the natural cycle in this solar system. Even NASA admits that all the planets in the solar system are warming up. The problem I have with that is it’s not just global warming; it’s climate change of extremes. It’s almost as if the weather gets pulled in one direction, then another, then another.

The planet probably had global warming a few million years ago, but that was then; this is now. Whether you like it or not, you are responsible for changing the course of your reality by following the presiding social mood.  People are unwittingly and constantly changing reality, not only on this planet, but the entire solar system – perhaps, beyond.  When mainstream media tells you that the planet is warming up, then the planet warms up. Admit it. You’re responsible for your own reality.

Mainstream social mood creates that huge, amorphous Thought Forms that float all over the planet influencing the elements, thus shaping global social patterns and geophysical events. The only way to punch a hole through that huge, amorphous thought form cloud full of complex motivations is to have to have a powerful laser like thought form that’s completely focused. That thought form is your reality bubble and it can influence the elements in ways you never thought possible – until now.

Global warming already happened. Now, it’s your time. The time is now…

Hack the Matrix, Reload and Influence

Philosophy Self Improvement

Give Good Feelings for Father’s Day


If I Never See You Again: Winner of 6 Ariel’s (the Mexican equivalent of the Academy Awards), this touching feature film has us rooting for a group of old codgers who would rather be playing music in night clubs than sitting, bored, in a retirement home.


Mira: A beautiful story about human commonality and kindness, Mira (meaning”Look!” in Spanish) is just the kind of movie we all need to see more of!


Birthday: Who knows where we go when we die and if there might be weigh stations where we stop along the way? Perhaps we just need to find the one person who will say the thing that we most need to hear before we pass on.


Letting Go: In honor of Father’s day, we bring you this sweet vision of one dad who has a tough time accepting his son’s decision to put his “blankey” away.

Are you inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth? Then you’ll love the enlightening and inspiring entertainment from Spiritual Cinema Circle. Join today and receive your first DVD FREE (just pay S&H).

Sometimes asking the right questions is all it takes to make life a whole lot easier or, at the least, more understandable. This month the SPIRITUAL CINEMA CIRCLE’S feature film, IF I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN, raises the question “Is it ever too late to live our dreams?” The winner of 6 Ariel’s, (the Mexican equivalent of the Academy Awards), this film beautifully demonstrates that no matter what your age, life is always worth living. Three short films accompany the feature which includes MIRA, a delightful heartwarming short film about “trust” that has a surprise ending. In the short film BIRTHDAY, a little girl is told by a dying old man, that life is about two questions: “Who are you?” and “Who do you love?” This collection of films is rounded out with LETTING GO in which a dad learns that sometimes a child will grow up before you are ready.

Would you like to see these heart warming and uplifting films from the Spiritual Cinema Circle? New subscribers can receive a free trial membership (for a nominal shipping fee) by visiting Spiritual Cinema Circle before June 14th.

Start your Free Trial Today

“The Spiritual Cinema Circle provides a great service to those who want to evolve and be entertained at the same time.”

Deepak Chopra

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Philosophy Self Improvement

Function creates Form

ATTENTION: You must respond to this post for your chance at an amazing prize: A Personalized Radionic Hologram Brainwave Implant Meditation DVD!

Extract from “The Neural Buddhists” by Tom Brooks:

“..To these self-confident researchers, the idea that the spirit might exist apart from the body is just ridiculous. Instead, everything arises from atoms. Genes shape temperament. Brain chemicals shape behavior. Assemblies of neurons create consciousness. Free will is an illusion. Human beings are ‘hard-wired’ to do this or that. Religion is an accident. (continue…)

In this materialist view, people perceive God’s existence because their brains have evolved to confabulate belief systems. You put a magnetic helmet around their heads and they will begin to think they are having a spiritual epiphany. If they suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy, they will show signs of hyperreligiosity, an overexcitement of the brain tissue that leads sufferers to believe they are conversing with God.

Wolfe understood the central assertion contained in this kind of thinking: Everything is material and ‘the soul is dead.’ He anticipated the way the genetic and neuroscience revolutions would affect public debate. They would kick off another fundamental argument over whether God exists.

Lo and behold, over the past decade, a new group of assertive atheists has done battle with defenders of faith. The two sides have argued about whether it is reasonable to conceive of a soul that survives the death of the body and about whether understanding the brain explains away or merely adds to our appreciation of the entity that created it.

The atheism debate is a textbook example of how a scientific revolution can change public culture. Just as “The Origin of Species” reshaped social thinking, just as Einstein’s theory of relativity affected art, so the revolution in neuroscience is having an effect on how people see the world.

And yet my guess is that the atheism debate is going to be a sideshow. The cognitive revolution is not going to end up undermining faith in God, it’s going end up challenging faith in the Bible.

Over the past several years, the momentum has shifted away from hard-core materialism. The brain seems less like a cold machine. It does not operate like a computer. Instead, meaning, belief and consciousness seem to emerge mysteriously from idiosyncratic networks of neural firings. Those squishy things called emotions play a gigantic role in all forms of thinking. Love is vital to brain development.

Researchers now spend a lot of time trying to understand universal moral intuitions. Genes are not merely selfish, it appears. Instead, people seem to have deep instincts for fairness, empathy and attachment.

Scientists have more respect for elevated spiritual states. Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania has shown that transcendent experiences can actually be identified and measured in the brain (people experience a decrease in activity in the parietal lobe, which orients us in space). The mind seems to have the ability to transcend itself and merge with a larger presence that feels more real.

This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism. Instead it will lead to what you might call neural Buddhism… “

The kind of materialistic scientists to whom Brooks is referring would be called “emotional deserts” by Wilhelm Reich; he made the concept of “orgone” or universal ether famous back in the 1950’s. Reich had all kinds of descriptions in his analysis of “emotional deserts.”

The point is that mainstream academic neuroscience and neuropsychology educates students away from human concepts by excluding and/or berating human spirituality and higher consciousness. In doing so, mainstream academia educates people away from their own humanity. In the dark ages, there was a blatant disregard by “authority” figures of esoteric science as it goes hand-in-hand with human spirituality.

Today, the trend continues as mainstream academia ignores quantum electrodynamic principles and cosmic engineering as keys to the higher conciousness of humanity; these are all living functions within us because we are all part of the same living universe.

Let’s forget what the emotional deserts have to say for now. Let’s assume that we have something even greater than “neural buddhism” through transcendent experiences. Let’s assume that the universe is not nearly as empty as touted by astronomers, but, instead, is filled with energy and intelligence.

Let’s assume that we really are individual aspects of One Universal Mind. Now, let me ask you a question: What does it mean to you when I say “function creates form?”

Everyone on Way of the Mind Gate subscription list must respond to this question. I’m looking for the most intelligent, artistic, original, heartfelt response in your own words of the meaning for “function creates form.” The best answer gets a free, Personalized Radionic Hologram Brainwave Implant Meditation DVD. I’m looking forward to working with you. In fact, I’m going to be giving away this free service to one lucky subscriber at at every issue of Way of the MindGate newsletter in the same fashion.

If you do respond with the best answer, then you win a personalized, HealingMindN Video.

I figure that I’m doing both of us a favor because I don’t want to clutter your lifestyle with subject matter that doesn’t truly interest you. There may be some simple simon, doubting thomas’ out there who show a mild interest in esoterica. I no longer want to waste your time or mine.

For those of you who do respond, you have about a month or so until the next newsletter. I’ll let everyone know when the best response has been chosen. Until then, God Bless!

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

Your Personalized Living Mandala

Meditation Aid for Success

by Living Mandala Medicine Man


As opposed to a generic, 2-dimensional still mandalas that are generally available, personalized living mandalas utilize your essence to achieve your spiritual desires through moving 3-dimensional visuals and audio neural entrainment.

I’m doing something slightly different because there have been so many visitors to this post.

I want to make a deal with you. Ordinarily I ask for money in return for my work, but I want to do something more for you than a “Personalized Living Mandala” and I want to do it for free.

If you read the post on how I got a mind control expert to change his name, then you know that I’m very good at story telling. I am accepting requests to create a personalized inspirational story according to your favorite place in the whole world.

Your story would be created according to your answer to a few simple questions. Your personal story would be oriented towards the supernatural because there are always mysterious things happening all around us.

I would keep the copyright to this story in all its formats. The story I write for you will be personalised, but the names would be changed to protect you, if I happen to sell the story to a publisher. Here is the order in which I will deliver the story to you:

  1. A written format
  2. An audio format narrating the story, and finally
  3. A Video on DVD with narration and brainwave entrainment

In the video, I narrate the story and deliver it to you in the form of an NLP brainwave entrainment video. This video is more powerful than your Personalized Living Mandala because it would reach you on a very personal level wherein your mind’s eye is focused on intense sensory imagery. The intention of this inspirational story depends on your answers to a few simple questions:

  • How do you feel about your favourite place in the whole world?
  • What is it about this place that is most important to you?
  • How would you describe this place?
  • What do you enjoy doing in this place?

As opposed to what happened to that “mind control” expert, I’m not out to get you. I’m not going to do anything malicious to you like make you change your name. The difference is he was asking for bad, so I gave him bad. I had no idea before that I could influence someone like that. Now I do.

Since you’re asking for goodness, my purpose is to deliver goodness to you; it will take the form of a personalised inspirational story. The difference with my stories is that I do something similar to remote viewing: I synthesize and shape reality according to your mind patterns.

All you have to do, in order to participate, is repond to this post with “I’m in” or something similar. Thereafter, I will contact you for your personal information. This service is first come, first served, so everyone on the waiting list will have to be patient.

The .pdf manual below contains all the particulars concerning the subject of personalised living mandalas which will apply to the video, but there’s nothing like the power of your imagination when it comes to your personalised story based on the deepest realms of your mind.

I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your time.

Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN,

Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S. Please see the extract below to understand the purpose of generic mandalas and how they related to personalized living mandalas:

Wikipedia Definition: Mandala

..In practice, mandala has become a generic term for any plan, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the Universe from the human perspective.

In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of aspirants and adepts, a spiritual teaching tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.

Its symbolic nature can help one “to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises.”


The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as “a representation of the unconscious self,” and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality…

Tibetan Vajrayana

“..a microcosm representing various divine powers at work in the universe.” Such mandalas consist of an outer circular mandala and an inner square (or sometimes circular) mandala with an ornately decorated mandala palace placed at the center. Any part of the inner mandala can be occupied by Buddhist glyphs and symbols as well as images of its associated deities, which “symbolise different stages in the process of the realisation of the truth…”

..something to be repeatedly contemplated, to the point of saturation, such that the image of the mandala becomes fully internalised in even the minutest detail and which can then be summoned and contemplated at will as a clear and vivid visualised image…


..With every mandala comes what Tucci calls “its associated liturgy…contained in texts known as tantras,” instructing practitioners on how the mandala should be drawn, built and visualised and indicating the mantras to be recited during its ritual use…

The problem with 2-dimensional generic mandalas

Most people don’t understand the religious or philosophical interpretations of mandalas, so they don’t identify with them. Most people don’t know how to use mandalas exactly because of these esoteric interpretations that are outside of their understanding. What the religious and philosophical “creators” of mandalas do not understand is that EVERYONE uses mandalas; the difference between 2-D and 3-D mandalas is that EVERYONE uses 3-dimensional mandalas.

Whenever you look at a relaxing patch of sky, day or night, or at a big, beautiful tree, or into the vast calming action of the ocean, you are meditating on a living mandala. There is no need for religion, philosophy, or any particular belief system to meditate on a piece of nature.

That piece of nature, at that particular moment, reflects what you already have in your mind: A full sensory holographic, sensual experience. We have full sensory holograms in our minds. We simply look for the same things in nature that deeply reflect what we have in our minds. In the process, we come very close to accomplishing the same as the religious fanaticists with their 2-D mandalas: Enlightenment.


Your mind resonates with that piece of nature as relaxation, great beauty, action yet calmness, and beyond: You realize that you are a living part of nature in all its glory and wonder. You are also part of that living mandala known as the universe.


Although your mind can extrude a 2 dimensional figure to 3 dimensions, you prefer the connection you have to the 3-dimensional, living equivalents of yourself, so nature is your living mandala. But let’s contemplate something further: Your personalized living mandala.

Personalized Living Mandalas

Let’s assume for a moment that we can duplicate nature as a recording and play it back any time we want – like National Geographic on DVD. What if you had a living mandala with the attributes of a 2-dimensional mandala according to that Wikipedia definition? According to the Wikipedia definition of a mandala, What if you had a living mandala that:

  • completely represents you in every level of consciousness?
  • guides you into a trance and meditation which you completely control?
  • is specific to your self-improvement according to your programming?
  • is programmed according to key aspects of yourself as a complete representation of you in a mandala?

HealingMindN Living Mandalas combine proven technologies for brainwave entrainment with an extra twist: HealingMindN Personalised Living Mandalas implant your personal wish for success upon your brainwaves after several sessions. As a result, your mind is psionically tuned to your desires. Please see an example below of how your session might look and feel (full effects are pared down for web publishing):

What is Brainwave Entrainment?

First, HealingMindN Holographic Implant Sessions automatically entrain your neural patterns through frequency following response to mimic the natural actions of relaxation and sleep patterns. Here is the order of neural patterns you can expect from your psychotronic session in Hertz (Hz ~ cycles per second, cps) during the average entrainment session:

1) Beta ~ 13 to 27 Hz

2) Alpha ~ 8 to 13 Hz

3) Theta ~ 4 to 8 Hz

4) Delta ~ 0 to 4 Hz

Alpha brainwaves are of particular interest; they are slower in frequency than Beta brainwaves and represent a state of relaxed mental awareness or reflection. Alpha brainwave states are typically associated with contemplation, visualization, problem solving and accessing deeper levels of creativity. The Alpha brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 8 Hz to 12 Hz (CPS). The following spectrograph is an example of brainwave entrainment:

brainwaves before and after 10Hz entrainment

We also need to acknowledge that brainwaves, particularly alpha rhythms, do not exist in and of themselves as simply a matter of coincidence. We express alpha brainwaves in response to geophysical electromagnetic effects. The magnetic field of this planet gently entrains our brainwaves into alpha rhythm neural patterns, namely, the Schumann Resonances – more on this at Binaural Harmonics.

Recommended Dosage:

Distance from your monitor during HealingMindN Holographic Implant Sessions should be at least five feet away and are recommended once a day for the first week just before bedtime. After the first week, you may decrease the implants to once every two days until the desired effects are achieved. Use in a safe place away from distraction.

You may experience lucid dreams during your sessions. Since you are instructed on maintaining a certain posture and breathing patterns during your session, you will experience a deep meditative trance state rather than simply go to sleep.


Living Mandala Theory

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Use of HealingMindN Living Mandalas means You Understand and Accept the Warnings And Cautions, notices, notes, and disclaimer as stated in Personalized Living Mandala Theory of Operation, and Will Abide By Them. You must read this .pdf manual to familiarize yourself with all the warnings, cautions, notices, notes, and disclaimer.

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Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

The Reason for Alpha Meditation

Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.

brainwave rhythmsOur brainwaves, particularly our alpha rhythms, do not exist in and of themselves as a matter of coincidence.

Imagine a huge, orchestral string section. A string section can have violins, violas, cellos, etc. playing. Imagine they’re all playing the Blue Danube in sync (from Swan Lake). In the middle of this string section are a bunch of violins sitting in the middle of all this acoustic revelry. These violins are sounding in resonance to all the acoustic activity.

The resonance in these violins are like our brains and attached nervous systems responding to the bioresonant, energetic activities in the universe as if it is a giant “string section.”

We express different brainwaves in response to geophysical and celestial electromagnetic effects. The magnetic field of this planet gently entrains our brainwaves into alpha rhythm neural patterns, namely, the Schumann Resonances – more on this at Binaural HarmonicsOur geophysical relationship with the earth proves that We are living extensions of this planet.