Mind Control

Definition: Cult

Some people say that I’m trying to form a cult with the information I am providing here.

This is, of course, a twisted perspective of logic and reality.

Why is it twisted? All you have to do is define the meaning of the word “cult.” Basically, it’s a group where each individual spends an inordinate amount of time, energy, and resources to that group according to beliefs set forth by the “cult leaders.”

Dig a little deeper and you’ll understand that there are all kinds of cults all over the world according to this strict observation. Not only do we have religious cults – we have political cults, food cults, economic cults, medical cults, dental cults, rock star / heavy metal cults, celebrity cults, beanie baby cults, global warming cults, and beyond.

Just today, I learned of another new age cult, “matrix energetics.” A few articles later at the website, it was easy for me to figure out that this is a cult based on Stewart Swerdlow’s methods in the Healer’s Handbook.

No, Swerdlow is not the leader here. Some guy named Bartlett is. What caught my attention was not the information provided, but the lack thereof. The site sings many praises of “matrix energetics” to be sure, but from whence did this healing modality originate? No one wants to say.

Cults are clandestine with their information. The Free Masons are proof to the extreme of that premise. Cult leaders also like to rename legitimate, but older, lesser-known theories and modalities to make them their own; this happens a lot in mainstream science communities wherein the focus of the many is their own emotional security. There are also plenty of cults out there, but there are even more people who crave emotional security, more than their own financial security.

As for myself, I still might decide to form a spiritual group based on love, trust, friendship and devotion because the information that I’ve provided you so far is only a fraction of what I know. You should know everything. You know that your friends, your family, your leaders will never give you what you want. With me, you get everything you want – everything you need, to make you feel good, special, and welcome. You only feel yourself outcast because you have yet to discover your “true” family. With us, you will always find understanding and comfort. You will always find a shoulder to lean upon. ..

Am I getting the hang of this cult leader talk? You tell me. Here’s a copy of How Cults Seduce, a free ebook for you just for visiting my site – available for a limited time only, because we care about you and want you to be part of your REAL family.

Related Article:

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Mind Control

Keys to Power Persuasion Test Question

As your prospect imagines what you are saying in the process of interpreting your words, they are partaking of the experience and being affected by it. We use this principle to process languages as experiences. What is the “colorful label” used to describe this principle?

A prize is reserved for the first person to answer this question correctly.

I’ve worked out a system where the first person who gets the answer right to this question gets his/her choice of prize. What’s the prize? I’d like to deplete my inventory that I have at This inventory consists of music CDs and movie DVDs. I would like to send one free CD or DVD to the first person who answers this question from Alan Tutt’s Keys To Power Persuasion Course with free first class shipping and handling. Of course, the fastest way to do that is to actually get Keys To Power Persuasion.

I plan on giving away a free CD or DVD upon the right answer to every one of these questions from now onward until my entire inventory of CDs and DVDs is gone – then I’ll just give away free ebooks.

Please take a look at my HealingMindN Inventory at and see what you like. This blog is moderated, so I receive comments on every post right away. When the first correct answer comes in, I’ll ask for your choice and shipping information if required.

Thanks for your participation.

Mind Control Psychoenergetics Self Improvement

How Thought Forms Affect Us Every Day

This post is a follow up to Visual Ray Psionics. I’ve been arguing with myself on how I should present this subject. Let me begin with the origins of my introduction thought forms.

I was first introduced to this concept by Charles Cosimano, author of “Psionic Combat,” almost two decades ago. Mr. Cosimano offers a lot of practical information in the chapter on thought forms. Unfortunately, this information tends to go hand in hand with a lot of destructive, hurtful thoughts; he basically hates people. Just about anyone annoys him, especially kids; he enjoys projecting destructive thought forms against people around him even from boredom.

Another problem with Mr. Cosimano is that he says that there is no such thing as karma (therefore, “we can cause as much bad luck and destruction on our enemies as we like with no repercussions”), yet he has the audacity to call upon angelic powers wherein karma is an integral part of spiritual law. He even admits that you better find a way to dissipate those destructive thoughts forms or they’ll come back to you. If that’s not karma, I don’t know what is.

Before Mr. Cosimano gets into seeding destructive thought forms like swords, spears, and exploding missles, he provides this useful passage:

..most thought forms are not effective at all. People, on the whole, do not think very clearly. Even their strongest desires, the ones which we would expect to create the most powerful thought forms, are usually quite muddled. There are always little side thoughts and feelings which get intermingled with the expressed desire and thus ruin the cohesiveness of the thought.

Hence a thought may be sent forth with a tremendous will behind it, but because the thinker has no clarity to his thought, it totally fails to accomplish anything except frustrate the sender. It is for this reason that a clear thought, even with a little energy, will be more effective than a highly energised mass of conflicting desires.

This is a reason why most attempts at making group thought forms fail. Each individual comes to the group with his own agenda and as all these get mixed up in the soup, the resulting thought form tends to be an amorphous mass with no effectiveness at all…


Cultivate the Temperament of Righteousness

This study gives you ever more freedom. With a greater freedom you must act with a greater sense of ethics and responsibility than ever before. Basically, you must not do anything that will harm others or yourself. To follow truth and live in harmoney with all of life, it would be advisable to foster the Five Virtues in our life:

These Five Virtues are:
Discrimination – choose what is good for you rather than what is not
Forgiveness and Tolerance – the way to dispel anger.
Contentment – sufficient for the day is enough.
Detachment – by not being attached to things or desires, you are free to give and serve generously.
Humility – the balance to ego’s negative aspects of arrogance and vanity.

It is advisable at this point to also caution against the Five Passions: Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, and Vanity.

I hope this philosophy serves you and your loved ones well. Simply by understanding, you have raised your consciousness. Simply by sharing, you have changed your reality.

For more LiuHeBaFa Philosophy, please look up Liuhebafa Five Character Secrets by Paul Dillon.

Self Improvement

How binaural beats improve Your Life

Practical applications in brainwave entrainment using binaural beats:

The Focus 2-Disc Set is designed to help you achieve powerful states of heightened focus and alertness, mental clarity, concentration, and creativity.

Simply by listening to an audio CD through stereo headphones, you can:

• Improve your levels of focus, clarity and concentration

• Enhance your memory and experience higher thinking

• Improve your retention of information while studying

• Increase your focus and attention while reading or working

• Dramatically enhance your creativity

• Develop problem-solving and brainstorming skills

• Achieve a mental zone while exercising

• Improve your thinking speed and performance

• Improve concentration and attention in adults or children with ADD or ADHD

• Students – Use the Focus CDs while reading or studying to improve concentration, and to improve retention of information. Click here to read more about research proving the effectiveness of binaural audio technology in enhancing mental functioning and improving test scores.

• Use the Focus CDs while exercising or working out to achieve the “zone” described by athletes.

• Use the Focus CDs while working on the computer or in the office to increase your levels of focus and concentration.

• Use the Focus CDs for brainstorming and problem-solving.

• Artists and Writers – Use the Focus CDs to enhance creativity.

• Help for ADD/ADHD – Use the CDs to improve attention and concentration. Click here to read more about research proving the effectiveness of binaural audio technology in treating patients with ADD/ADHD.

Your higher consciousness from a convenient CD

The audio technology, embedded on a CD beneath the sounds of rain, uses our proprietary harmonically layered binaural frequencies to guide your mind into a highly focused and attentive mental state that is extremely conducive to higher-level thinking. Using the CDs in the Focus 2-Disc Set, you can easily and effortlessly attain a state of intense clarity, enhanced concentration, and superior focus.

The Focus CDs swiftly ease your mind into a highly focused brainwave state that will take your mental processing to new levels. Each time you listen, the audio technology will work to stimulate your brain while in this highly focused state, triggering neural pathways to fire, enhancing communication between various parts of the brain and bringing your brain into a state of hemispheric synchronization. Research has indicated that this same state of brain synchronization is consistently found in the brainwave patterns of highly intelligent, creative and successful individuals.

By listening to the Focus CDs while reading, studying, or working, you can dramatically improve your levels of concentration and clarity, significantly increase your memory retention, and enhance your mental functioning.

The Focus collection is comprised of two discs. Each disc works in a unique way to enhance your focus, clarity, attention, and concentration for a variety of situations.

The tracks are designed with long running times (ranging from 22 to 72 minutes) in case you would like to read, work, study, or exercise for a long period of time, but you do not need to listen to a track in its entirety to obtain the benefits. You may listen to only a portion of the track if you’d like. The frequencies were also arranged with continuous peaks to keep you as focused as possible if you need to concentrate for long stretches of time.

Disc 1 contains one 72-minute track titled Clarity:

Clarity is intended for listening in situations that require relaxed concentration, such as reading or engaging in a hobby. Clarity may also be used during an exercise session—while jogging, for example—to assist you in achieving the “zone” described by many athletes. Clarity utilizes the Alpha brainwave state.

Disc 2 contains two separate tracks:

The first track, titled Focus, is a 50-minute track intended for listening while performing tasks that require heightened attention, such as working, studying, or any situation requiring specific attention to detail. Focus utilizes the Beta brainwave state. The second track, titled Envision, is a 22-minute track to be used whenever a creativity boost is needed. Envision may also be used for quick problem-solving and brainstorming sessions in order to trigger creative and innovative solutions. Envision utilizes the Theta brainwave state.

Both the Clarity and the Focus tracks may be used to trigger enhanced mental processing and higher-level thinking. Several research studies have proven the effectiveness of using Alpha and Beta brainwave states to enhance mental performance.

Clinical Studies

Binaural audio has been used in the classroom to enhance learning ability. Under the direction of psychologist Devon Edrington, students taking an Introductory Psychology course used audio tapes containing binaural beat technology to influence learning ability. The study found that students who were taught, studied, and took tests while listening to the binaural audio tapes did significantly better than a control group not using the tapes. Students using binaural audio tapes scored, on average, approximately ten points higher than students not using the tapes. (Edrington, D., 1984, A Palliative for Wandering Attention, research paper.)

In studies conducted by Harold Russell, Ph.D., and his associate, John Carter, training of the brain hemispheres of students was found to significantly improve the students’ performance scores on the WAIS I.Q. test.

In a 1984 Megabrain Report, Dr. Gene Brockopp reported that “coherence of high frequency EEG (brainwave) patterns is apparently related to increased intellectual functioning.”

Research indicates that brainwave audio technology can improve concentration and help fight memory loss.

The Focus 2-Disc Set may be used by adults or children with ADD or ADHD to improve levels of concentration and clarity, offering a drug-free alternative to enhance attention and cognitive functioning. In the past two decades, several research studies have proven the effectiveness of binaural audio in increasing attention, improving concentration and focusing skills, and treating ADD.

In 1991, at the annual meeting of the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Harold Russell, Ph.D., presented research showing that Beta frequencies improved the cognitive functioning of children with ADD.

In addition, the results of a 1997 study conducted by the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University Medical Center indicated binaural audio is effective in increasing cognitive performance. The study reported that “binaural auditory stimulation can affect both the task performance and changes in mood associated with the task…

Binaural beats in the Beta frequency range were associated with improvements.” (Lane, Kasian, Owens, Marsh; 1998, Binaural Auditory Beats Affect Vigilance, Performance, and Mood; Physiology & Behavior, Vol 63, No. 2)

The track called Focus on Disc 2 of the Focus set swiftly eases your mind into a highly focused Beta state. The CDs can be used while reading, studying, working, or even exercising.

The Focus 2-Disc Set may also be used for long-term mental enhancement in the prevention of mentally debilitative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Robert Cosgrove, Jr., Ph.D., M.D., an authority in biomedical engineering, noted that technologies that alter brainwave patterns “have been observed by us to be an excellent neuropathway exerciser.” Dr. Cosgrove went on to say “As such, we believe it has great potential for use in promoting optimal cerebral performance…”

Furthermore, the long-term effects on maintaining and improving cerebral performance throughout life and possibly delaying for decades the deterioration of the brain traditionally associated with aging is very exciting.” (Hutchinson, Michael; 1996; Megabrain: New Tools & Techniques For Brain Growth and Mind Expansion )

To learn more about how our brainwave technology works, we encourage you to visit the Brainwave Technology section of our web site.


Related articles:
Binaural Harmonics in Brainwave Entrainment
Conclusive Abstracts from Clinical Studies
Healing Power of Music
Insomnia Sleep Aid Solutions


Mind Control

Video: New Cure For Mind Control?

I discovered this wealth of videos at through google alerts; it’s mostly a conspiracy type video blog. Guess what one of my google alerts is? Here is an extract from the video’s text:

“Using fear and the threat of insecurity to manipulate the people, corporate media, in bed with government, over the years having become the mouthpiece of government control, unleashes a barrage of propaganda, in images and pro-war commentators, to arouse in the population the false sense of security that justifies military action. This way, debate is silenced and dissent is disappeared on the airwaves as once again the corporate media, the gatekeepers of information, allow us only to see and hear the point of view they want us to incorporate into our psyche. Voices of reason and of intelligence are ignored, banished from imparting important thoughts of wisdom, thus making it virtually impossible for the population to ever know there are other options besides the horror of war.”



Most conspiracy theorists only know how to complain about our current conditions; they’re like most people. They figure if they can simply open the people’s minds to the truth, then the evil maladies in this world can be solved.

What most people do not understand is we court and protect lies as long as they are attached to people who make us feel emotionally secure. They’re like our husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends; we don’t care how many lies are attached to these people.

Do you care how many lies are attached to your lover? Probably not. This is because your “lover” makes you feel good and emotionally secure. You probably end up hating anyone who comes along and identifies all those lies attached to your partner like past lovers and sexual orientation. How dare this stranger come out of no where with so many wild conspiracy theories about your “lover” to ruin your life?

The same logic applies to your favourite celebrities. Admit it – Although you don’t really know these people, you’ve been secretly courting them from a distance. Haven’t you? Popular media tells you that these are the people you should be admiring. Your friends, your family, your co-workers tell you that these are the people to gossip about because they are so much more interesting and lead such exciting lives.

Your judgemental heuristics tell you that these TV and radio personalities coming over the airwaves are successful, therefore, they must know better than you, therefore, they must be telling the truth.

They have no reason to lie to you – do they? Why should they lie? I mean, you’ve been courting them from a distance – in your mind. Just because they work for huge, corporate controlled conglomerates with special interests doesn’t mean they have any reason to lie to you. Does it?

But, even if there are lies attached to that husband or wife, it doesn’t matter. Does it? As long as that husband or wife makes you feel good all over, who cares if they dance with the devil?

Feel your breathe. Hear your heart beat. Pretend that your long distance “lover” can feel and hear you as well – because that’s all you’re gonna get… As long as you pretend.

Evil Control

World War III plans for summer 2008

..Last December, when the National Intelligence Estimate downgraded the immediate nuclear threat from Iran, it seemed as if Fallon’s caution was justified. But still, well-placed observers now say that it will come as no surprise if Fallon is relieved of his command before his time is up next spring, maybe as early as this summer, in favor of a commander the White House considers to be more pliable. If that were to happen, it may well mean that the president and vice-president intend to take military action against Iran before the end of this year and don’t want a commander standing in their way.

And so Fallon, the good cop, may soon be unemployed because he’s doing what a generation of young officers in the U. S. military are now openly complaining that their leaders didn’t do on their behalf in the run-up to the war in Iraq: He’s standing up to the commander in chief, whom he thinks is contemplating a strategically unsound war…

(extracted from The Man Between War and Peace, March 11, 2008, 3:11 PM,

Economic Control

Prediction: American Economy

(extract from Cutting Edge Newsletter🙂

..Doc (Marquis, former satanist) said that the Illuminati was convinced that Americans were so materialistic that they would never allow themselves to be pushed into the global system if they felt poor. Therefore, Americans are going to be kept feeling prosperous (feelings of security induce complacency such as the recent “economic stimulus tax rebates”) right up until the beginning of the global war.

We have been given extremely scary financial data which, if considered alone, would indicate that the economy just cannot stay afloat very much longer. A lot of ministries and websites are gaining a lot of attention in promoting this scary scenario. However, this economy data is not any more frightful than the data the Cutting Edge Treasurer — a C.P.A. — presented to me in mid-1998.

We have held fast to this scenario since 1998 and have been right every scary year since then. Last year, untold numbers of Americans were absolutely convinced that the economy was going to fail. That collapse did not occur then, and will not occur until that first shot is fired that will begin World War III.


The REAL Financial Objective of This Crisis

We believe that this economic crisis has one major, overriding goal — to induce Americans to accept the regional currency, the AMERO. (There’s already the EURO!)

Every time the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, they depreciate the American Dollar even more, and that causes prices of commodities like oil to go up even further.

And, that is part of the plan — creating “Order Out of Chaos”.

We believe that oil will be allowed to rise until the financial pressure gets so high that it threatens the entire economy. At that point, a brilliant person will step forward to propose an exciting alternative. That new plan will be to create a stable, fixed currency for all North America — NAFTA — to replace the fluctuating and declining American Dollar.

Can you imagine the kind of broad support a bipartisan proposal of this sort would receive once the American people are told that this move could lower oil prices by 50%? The vast majority of Americans would not only accept this new currency, they would DEMAND it NOW! (This is the result of training a nation on economic instant gratification such as instant credit. Learn how Marketing to the Limbic System achieves the same result in all aspects of life.)

Even genuine Conservatives would be hard pressed to decide whether they will stick to their principles of keeping American sovereignty by opposing this AMERO, or whether they will grudgingly accept it because their financial assets will be protected.

We have no idea when this point will be reached. But, it will be reached, as that is the Plan…

Mind Control

Keys to Power Persuasion Test Question

Using the “siamese twins” technique of mirroring and matching we work on:

  • Wearing the Same Clothes
  • Being as physically close to the prospect as possible
  • Looking like the prospect
  • The mental level

I’m still hungry to give away free prizes to the people who get the answers right to these test questions. You have at least a 25% chance of getting it right, so why not guess? If you would like to know the answer now, then please have a look at Alan Tutt’s Keys To Power Persuasion Course.


EFT vs. Ancient Keys

New School, Emotional Freedom Techniques versus Old School, Chakra and Energy Meridian Knowledge proves that there are numerous ways to unlock the healing potential of the human psyche. Visit EFT vs. Ancient Keys.

Originally, I planned on pointing the link to an alternate article publishing site. Unfortunately, the people who own these other sites want me to declaw or defang my article in some way. I’m not going to convince anyone to change their guidelines just for me, so I’ve published the article in it’s entirety at my site.

I’d like to say a few things here that I didn’t say in the article. Somehow, that claim by Gary Craig keeps ringing through my head: “We dusted off acupuncture and made it user friendly…” I keep thinking to myself that’s a hell of a thing to say.

I’m sure Gary Craig meant nothing derogatory by it. He does show a lot of pride for his discovery; that even a shotgun method of psychic keys unlocks the amazing potential of the human mind.

The western treatment of martial arts fails to mention a very important fact: That the practice of martial arts and their parallel meditation methods are designed to massage all the meridians of chi flow and unlock human potential. This is especially true of internal martial arts such as taijiquan and aikido.

Acupuncture has always been an integral part of scholarly, medical, martial, and religious treatments, so it has never only existed in and of itself. As far as these more esoteric treatments, there was never anything to “dust off.” It was simply a matter of “inaccessability” to the western mindset and Gary Craig discovered that a shotgun approach works when combined with psychoenergetic tuning.

What has happened is that Gary Craig discovered yet another modality to unlock human potential. EFT is based on the very old premise that the emotions are key to releasing chronic ailments.

Of course, he wants everyone to tell their psychic success story as it relates to EFT – in much the same fold as an evangelist has his followers testify to the Power of God as they found Him – through that particular ministry. EFT is a cult to be sure, but it’s a good cult that does good work by healing people.

For this reason, I advocate EFT. But I prefer that Gary Craig and his followers would accept the human potential for all of our supernatural abilities – even with a shotgun healing modality like EFT. The human mind is part of the One Mind, God, so we can use any compatible modality to unlock its healing potential.

One more gripe and that’s it: I’ve studied the case histories at the EFT site in detail. I have yet to see any long term results. As far as I know, a person is expected to turn to EFT again and again whenever that malady creeps up.

EFT is a quick fix to be sure, but it’s like putting that canned tire fix into your flat tire again and again – when you should be patching that tire, so it doesn’t leak anymore.

EFT should also stand for “emergency freedom technique” because it helps get a chronic sufferer free from their ailment in a few minutes. Like emergency medical science, EFT is excellent for “fixing” a traumatic situation right away, but for most people that fix is temporary. Of course, there are armies of people who love EFT because it IS such an amazing quick fix for traumatic situations – especially emotional trauma; they’ll just do EFT again and again.

EFT is a lazy man’s martial arts for the mind; it just skims the surface of what people should be doing: Enhancing their bodies to improve their overall potential. For me, this means practicing the fist of the philosophy with it’s attached qigong meditation. This is the permanent solution when done for healing, martial, and scholarly purposes.

For the western mind set, “energy psychology” like EFT is plenty good enough.