Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Visual Ray Psionics: update

There’s been an update at Visual Ray Psionics. The title is now “Visual Ray Psionics: Key to Philosopher’s Stone.”

For some reason, there’s been plenty of controversy concerning this subject matter, especially as it applies to the video I have at youtube, “How to make your own philospher’s stone.” It’s easy enough to find. When you do find it, you will also find a number of vile comments.

From my perspective, a person who takes the time to surf the web and berate other people’s work is not of a respectful consciousness; such people are not in a position to critique something they choose not to understand, yet they do.  This may be a “Harry Potter” effect.  I’m not sure.

What matters is that you’re here. I require your understanding. I made the video with the premise that if we can derive exotic matter from seawater with the proper stressors and tensors, then imagine what the human body can do with it’s myriad of subtle complexities and energies.

For this reason, I advocate martial arts exercise and meditation; exercise being the stressor and meditation being the tensor. Remember: Prayer is for asking questions; meditation is for listening to the answers. When you derive your own exotic matter, this is nothing less than God’s Power manifesting itself within you.

Visual Ray Psionics is the proof of these subtle, yet intelligent energies within You and the rest of Humanity. The Visual Ray is the expression of the “philosopher’s stone” within you.

Peace, Love, and Light,


Philosophy Spiritual Control

Your Higher Awareness encompasses 360 Degrees

subtle, spirit, to look after, four, corners spirit, looks after, the four corners

Your higher awareness is always awake, reaching out, sensing in all directions at once. Through the techniques and exercise methods of LiuHeBaFa, you can quiet your reactive mind and begin to tune into your higher awareness. When you were a child, you could hear and tune into your higher awareness, but as (linear) time and socialization happened, you turned your attention more to the mundane and trivial things in life.

In time, by residing in the stillness, you can turn your attention back towards the light and sound (of higher consciousness). This is a process of discovery and exploration. The training methods of LiuHeBaFa can give you the tools to dig for the rich treasures within (yourself). (continue…)

The above passage may sound like not much more than a sales pitch for LiuHeBaFa, but the idea it provides is universal: Tune into your higher awareness through stillness. This does not mean that we have to sit absolutely still and motionless. This concept refers to having a focused, open mind that can listen and understand; this is opposite to a discursive mind that is all over the place or a closed mind that only accepts preconceived beliefs and notions.

Mainstream media has people paranoid and worried about things that just do not matter to the overall advancement of humanity. Decadent culture takes away our focus from the big picture of our place in the universe as a species and our purpose within this universe; it removes your spiritual connections with the universe by removing this focus. In doing that, decadent culture takes away from your humanity.

By decadent culture, I mean mainstream media: News programs – especially the “experts” who work for them, commercials, big and small screen entertainment – including video games, political figures, all of them.

By products of decadent culture only push more decadent culture; they’re not interested in your higher awareness. To them, pursuit of Your Higher Awareness is trivial pursuit. This kind of philosophy goes hand-in-hand with the saying, “If you’re not with us, your against us,” the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ says in the Holy Bible.

Let me tell you, right now: Anything that takes you away from your higher awareness IS trivial pursuit. But anything that brings you closer to your humanity is “For You, not against you.”

Look up to the skies. Look at the stars. Then look within yourself: You are a living, breathing, special variation of the universe. According to Nature’s Mind: the Quantum Hologram, you contain the same information as the rest of the universe because you are a living aspect of the same wonderful holographic matrix.

You and every human being on this planet are a microcosm of this wonderous, multidimensional, miraculous universe. You are nothing less than an aspect of God; it’s simply a matter of discipline and understanding to bring your powers as a true human being to fruition. Is this also according to God? I believe so:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” [Genesis 1:27]

Don’t let anyone ever take that away from you.

For more LiuHeBaFa Philosophy, please look up Liuhebafa Five Character Secrets by Paul Dillon.

Mind Control Philosophy Psychoenergetics Self Improvement Spiritual Control

The Reason for Alpha Meditation

Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.

brainwave rhythmsOur brainwaves, particularly our alpha rhythms, do not exist in and of themselves as a matter of coincidence.

Imagine a huge, orchestral string section. A string section can have violins, violas, cellos, etc. playing. Imagine they’re all playing the Blue Danube in sync (from Swan Lake). In the middle of this string section are a bunch of violins sitting in the middle of all this acoustic revelry. These violins are sounding in resonance to all the acoustic activity.

The resonance in these violins are like our brains and attached nervous systems responding to the bioresonant, energetic activities in the universe as if it is a giant “string section.”

We express different brainwaves in response to geophysical and celestial electromagnetic effects. The magnetic field of this planet gently entrains our brainwaves into alpha rhythm neural patterns, namely, the Schumann Resonances – more on this at Binaural HarmonicsOur geophysical relationship with the earth proves that We are living extensions of this planet.

Economic Control Philosophy Self Improvement Spiritual Control

How corporate livestock costs you more

CAFOs cost taxpayers billions

The news has been full of stories recently about the rising cost of food. But when it comes to most meat, milk, and eggs sold in the United States, consumers have paid more for years—they just didn’t know it. CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) are massive facilities that create costly pollution and public health problems as they produce most of the nation’s food animals. Union of Concerned Scientists new report documents the billions of dollars of hidden costs that CAFOs foist onto taxpayers and communities, and the misguided government policies that enable and even encourage it. From taxpayer subsidies for cheap animal feed to federal programs that help CAFOs manage their pollution problems, our report reveals how expensive our current CAFO system really is. Meanwhile, we found that modern, environmentally sound alternatives can be cost-effective if given a chance. The report, CAFOs Uncovered: The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations, recommends that the government provide incentives for more sustainable and efficient ways to raise animals, including pasture systems.

Related Article:

Beware — Food Crisis Getting Worse

Related Holy Scripture*:

God is good!!

God’s compassion for his animals is clear in Scripture. For example, one’s livestock are to rest on the Sabbath [Exodus 20: 8­11]. And Yeshua taught that it was laudable to rescue an animal that was in danger, even if it meant violating one of the traditional Sabbath laws [Matthew 12:11-12]

“And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? . How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore, it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.”

God created the great sea creatures and every living thing that creeps, so that the water swarmed with all kinds of them, and there was every kind of winged bird; and God saw that it was good.” [Genesis 1:21]

God made each kind of wild beast, each kind of livestock and every kind of animal that crawls along the ground and God saw that it was good.” [Genesis 1:25]

For all forest creatures are mine already, as are the animals on a thousand hills; I know all the birds in the mountains; whatever moves in the fields is mine.” [Psalms 50:10-­11]

*Extracted from Wildlife Love for God’s Creation

Spiritual Control

How kids know who’s fake: Source of troubled youth

Some people say that the posts here are out of touch with most people – and they’re right. Of all the people on the web, very few are looking for healing or enlightenment. Most people are just looking for a thrill or the weirdest things, connecting with their friends and doing whatever constitutes research.

This is especially true of kids; they only know what their parents, teachers, friends tell them. They especially adhere to the ideas of whomever they happen to admire at the time. Kids tend to latch onto others who resonate with their feelings. A lot of kids feel rebellion against the establishment, so they latch onto rebellion figures like heavy metal bands or worse.

“Why are kids rebellious?” you might ask. If you are asking this question, then I’m glad you’re here. I personally knew a boy who rebelled. He came from a prolific home and parents who did the best they could with what they knew. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. He’s gone now.

In the little time that he was with us, I made a few observations of his friends, his family – including me. From what I observed, kids up to a certain age, can see right through people into their real intentions; they have that intuition.

Allow me to share the following post with you from Destiny Image Communique:

Philosophical Chaos: Postmoderism

Most young people in every generation have at least once sac­rificed who they are for acceptance. However, today’s youth also have to contend with the philosophical chaos that characterizes our world. It is easier for youth to navigate the questions of identity when things are clearly marked or settled. No doubt, one can get lost in a “building” with boundaries: walls, doors, windows, stairs, and exits. In today’s world the building is more like a boundless ocean where youth cannot tell which way is up and which way is down! In fact, youth cannot even ask the question, “Who am I,” because they are just trying to keep their head above water.

MySpace and sites like it facilitate chameleon-like behavior. A member can upload images that may not be a true likeness, but perhaps one that he or she thinks will attract attention. A young woman, for example, may upload a scantily dressed photo or post a picture of a model in a bikini to represent her. Everyone, man, woman, boy, or girl, can pick and choose the images and wording about themselves that they want others to read. They can paint a picture of themselves that is constantly changing, even a distorted representation of themselves. MySpace allows young people talk about themselves in inauthentic ways. I am dumbfounded at how many of the 13-year-old young men in my youth group pretend that they are ladies men or pimps on MySpace.

Youth can be who they want to be, even when the picture they paint of themselves is far from the truth. Their identity is not rooted or grounded, but situational.

If young people are not comfortable with themselves, they will try to be someone else, someone they think others will accept. Youth are supposed to try on different roles in their search for who they are, but in this philosophical climate, they do not have to set­tle on one role. They flounder around trying to figure out what is desirable, not trying to figure out who their authentic self is. Despite all of the chaos around them, youth can still have an iden­tity in postmodern culture. But in order to do so, youth need to embrace a truth, a foundation on which they can base their identity.

In case you’re wondering, that “youth group” supposedly belongs to a minister. Technology today offers people the anonymity to “cut loose” and “have fun.” I guess that’s why the web is sometimes referred to as the “sinternet.”

Guess what? These 13 year olds are only emulating the culture around them. They know that the adults around them are being fake, so they see nothing wrong with emulating the same attitude. They also see nothing wrong with emulating the same perversions because they are also products of modern day decadent culture.

Don’t bother arguing with me about the above points. You don’t have the ammunition. All the troubled youth throughout history are my ammunition – and they know the truth; they can see straight through to the crux of decadent culture: A life-negative attitude.

Here’s a further post from Destiny Image Communique to help you understand what is missing:

Make God the Center

All of us, youth and adults, need to find our identity rooted and grounded in Christ. The pressure of marketing tells us to live for ourselves, get whatever we want, when we want it. Social net­working sites like MySpace allow us to live out relationships with people when we want, how we want. A self-centered worldview leads to a self-centered identity, but God calls us to look beyond ourselves, to see life through a different set of lenses. God beckons us to find ourselves not in ourselves but in Him.

When we find our identity in Christ, we realize that God made us “to live for so much more.” God has a plan and purpose for us that far exceed living for ourselves. God’s greatness and glory are infinite, and He has a very big purpose for our lives. Created in His image with the potential to do “greater things” than those that Jesus did, Paul is truly right in saying that we can do all things through Him who strengthens us.

We want our young people to be safe, but we also want them to thrive in all that they aspire to be. As parents, youth pastors, and educators in the United States, (and perhaps the entire Western world) especially, we are attune to encouraging children and young people that they can be anything they want to be. We constantly encourage them to see the possibilities that are available because we want them to reach their full potential. Why else do we care so much about education? We cringe at high school dropout rates, teen pregnancies, and drug abuse, in large part because we lament the potential that our youth squander.

Allow me to try and drive home the point that this pastor is making because a lot of this church talk is dull, dry and vague, so it tends go in one ear and out the other. You see, unless a person has been through the posts at this site and disciplined their minds with some of the mental exercises herein, then “reaching your full potential” just doesn’t mean much.

By the same token, “reaching your full potential” probably also has not much meaning to the adults who is say it – especially if the kids listening can see right through you. Kids judge by action – not words. Kids judge by heart knowledge – not head knowledge (As I discussed at How do You Choose to Believe).

Let me state this clearly for you: “Do as I say, Don’t do as I do,” doesn’t cut it. If this is your philosophy, then you’re a failure as a parent; you should never have kids. In fact, kids are more interested in the fruits of your labor rather than whatever decadent judgemental heuristics you might be spouting.

In that sense, we are all born with our intuition much closer to Holy Scripture: “The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: The fruit of the wicked to sin.” [Proverbs 10:16] Therefore, our kids are more likely to emulate the fruits that we bear outside and within ourselves rather than whatever “words of wisdom” come to mind.

Am I reaching you yet? OK. Let me take you a step further. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen shared his philosophy on life in the 1950’s and 60’s on his own TV program. (I was mesmerised by this guy when I was 2 or 3 years old.) One piece of philosophy stuck with me, and should stick with every parent, and every person with intention of becoming a parent: Kids emulate their parents’ true intentions towards authority.

Don’t fool yourself about that last statement. Remember, your kids can see right through you. If you have a secret hatred or loathing, sadness or despair of authority, then your kids are going to emulate that and make YOU completely miserable. They can sense YOUR rebellion – especially when you take shortcuts here and there driving on the highway, cheat at financial matters, partake of recreational drugs, or whatever teenage idiosyncracy you’ve carried into parenthood.

In fact, let me share an extract with you from Spiritual Health vs. Depression. Below please examine left brain versus right brain behavior and emotions. See for yourself which attitudes you follow:

Left Brain Behavior/Emotion
Root Word: Fear
Abandonment… Abrupt… Abusive… Accusing… Afraid… Aimless… Anger… Annoyed… Antagonizing… Anxiety… Arrogant… Ashamed… Attack… Badgering… Belligerent… Berating… Bigotry… Bitter… Blaming… Bothered… Chauvinistic… Cheating… Cocky… Comparing… Competing… Complaining… Conceited… Condemning… Condescending… Conflict… Confusion… Conniving… Cowardly… Cranky… Crazy… Criticizing… Cruel… Deceptive… Defensive… Degraded… Demeaning… Denial… Depression… Disappointed… Discouraged… Disease… Disgusted… Dishonest… Disrespectful… Distorted… Distracted… Disturbed… Doubt… Embarrassed… Empty… Envy… Exaggerating… Fabricating… Failure… Fighting… Frustrated… Furious… Gauging… Gossiping… Greedy… Guilt… Harassing… Harsh… Hate… Helpless… Hoarding… Hopeless… Hostile… Hyper… Idolizing… Illness… Impatient… Inadequate… Inconsiderate… Inconsistent… Insecure… Interrupting… Intimidating… Irrational… Jealousy… Judgmental… Justifying… Lack… Loneliness… Loss… Low Self Worth… Lust… Lying… Manipulating… Materialistic… Miserable… Mistrust… Mocking… Moody… Nasty… Nervous… Obnoxious… Offensive… Overreacting… Pain… Panic… Paranoid… Pessimistic… Pompous… Preoccupied… Procrastination… Punishment… Rage… Resentment… Restless… Rude… Rushed… Sacrificing… Sad… Scared… Scornful… Self-Deception… Self-Glorification… Self-Image… Self-Indulgent… Self-Pity… Selfish… Short Tempered… Sickness… Sin… Sorrow… Specialness… Stress… Struggling… Stubborn… Suffering… Suppressing… Swearing… Teasing… Temptation… Tense… Terrified… Trashing… Troubled… Uncertainty… Uncomfortable… Uncooperative… Ungrateful… Unsure… Unworthy… Upset… Vanity… Victimizing… Vindictive… Violent… Wandering… Weak… Weary… Whining… Withdrawn… Worry…
Insert your mind Here:
ideologies of left vs. right brain
Right Brain Behavior/Emotion
Root Word: Love
Acceptance… Appreciation… Assured… Balanced… Blessed… Calm… Caring… Certain… Charitable… Cheerful… Co-operative… Comfortable… Compassion… Confident… Considerate… Content… Courage… Dedicated… Encouraged… Enthusiastic… Faith… Fellowship… Focused… Forgiveness… Friendly… Fulfilled… Generous… Gentleness… Giving… Grateful… Happy… Harmony… Healthy… Helpful… Honest… Hope… Hospitable… Humble… Integrity… Joy… Kind… Mercy… Optimistic… Patience… Peace… Rational… Respectful… Responsible… Safe… Secure… Serene… Sharing… Sincere… Sympathetic… Thankful… Thoughtful… Trust… Understanding… Unselfish… Welcoming… Whole… Zealous…

Each of us can have any of these qualities listed, left and right brain depending on where we root our emotions. The point is, which qualities do you celebrate? Which qualities do you lament, gossip, or dwell upon every waking moment? Which qualities haunt you during your sleeping moments? I’m willing to bet that the first behaviors and emotions that you want to talk about everyday are from the left brain.

Why? They are the first qualities that people want to talk about on the television, on the radio, in the newspapers, in the magazines, mainstream fiction, at work, in school, ad infinitum… We are constantly deluged by emotions rooted in fear which are products of decadent culture.

The best we can do when we experience those life-negative emotions is seek redemption through a healthy balance. For example, where you had pessimism also show optimism to be a healthy balanced example for your child.

Let me ask you something before I continue: Do you know that you are completely responsible for child when you are a parent? You do? What does that mean to you? Does it mean you get to take cut rate vacations while your kid goes to school? Does it mean you get to have wild parties at your house while your child observes how “it’s done” by adults?

Let’s assume that you’re not a trouble maker with intentions of becoming a parent. How are you going to raise your kid?

Start with you. Since you know that your kid will emulate your true intentions (and most likely magnify them to the power of 10), what is the best way to be a true authority figure to your kid and not a fake? Since decadent society produces fakes and perversions, you have to provide a respect of authority yourself that’s outside of decadent society.

Since troubled youth is a problem of spirit, then your higher authority should be of spirit. Since I’m Christian, I recommend the Lord, Yehovah; this is another reason I set up the site, Holy Life, HealingMindN. The Holy Spirit and God’s Word, for me, are the only true authority.

When your child observes your true, unswerving intention of love and respect towards God as Your Perfect Authority Figure, then your child will want to emulate this same love and respect towards you. By the same token, you have to explain to your child that authority figures of decadent society are simply jobs being filled in decadent society; that we adhere to laws of society as long as they are extentions of the God’s Laws.

You have to remember that your child will hear information that will counter yours from his peer group or even his teachers. You have to remember that your true intentions as a parent is what really counts – because this is what your child sees.

You child should be allowed to question the true intention of others who attempt to counter your wisdom. Remember, true intention and feeling is what really counts. This means that a child of a heretic who claims there is no such spiritual authority figure ends up dead in the water without a paddle once his true intentions are discovered – that his parents respect noone.

Your intention is to provide strength of spirit to your child who is a powerful Aspect of God according to Holy Scripture. First, live this fact for yourself, then your child will live it.

Now, how to live it for yourself; it’s all up to How You Choose to Believe.

Philosophy Spiritual Control

Give Good Feelings for Mother’s Day

Are you inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth? Then you’ll love the enlightening and inspiring entertainment from Spiritual Cinema Circle. Join today and receive your first DVD FREE.

New Films

Guarding Eddy: This touching feature is based on the true story of 18 year-old Eddy Patterson, an autistic sports fanatic who dreams of playing pro-basketball. After running away to Los Angeles, Eddy lands in a homeless shelter where he meets pro-player Mike Jeffreys, who had given up on his own dream of the NBA because of a knee injury. The two men teach each other important lessons while discovering real friendship and a rebirth of possibility in their lives. A beautiful story that reminds us that we all face our challenges no matter how talented we seem to be, and we can all use a little help to stay on track.


Three-Fifty: This hilarious short film takes us into the world of two video store clerks who are tired of people arguing over late fees and a little nervous about keeping their customers loyal in the age of digital downloads.


Feathers to the Sky: Filmed in Uruguay, this beautiful short film depicts a young girl, living with her disabled grandfather, who is forced to sell `feathers’ (dyed marsh weeds) to support them both while she dreams of going to school with the other children in the village.


Body and Soul; Diana and Kathy: In the most touching documentary the SCC has ever had the privilege to program, we meet Diana and Kathy, activists, best friends, two parts who make a whole. They met almost 40 years ago in a home for the physically and mentally challenged and have been taking care of each other ever since while fighting for rights for those with disabilities. You will never forget these two incredible women and the difference they’ve made on the planet.

Looking for a special gift for Mother’s Day? Give 3 months of enlightening and inspiring entertainment from Spiritual Cinema Circle. You’ll receive 18 films in all for just $59.95+ S&H.

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Philosophy Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

How do you choose to believe?

What’s the difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge?

There’s a difference between believing in something logically rather than emotionally. I could go on and on until I’m blue in the face about the Law of Attraction or extra sensory perception, but it’s only head knowledge until you actually experience it for yourself. Drama in books, movies, and theatres is always hot topic because people are constantly looking for heart knowledge – even when only vicarious.

So when you come to a sight like this that outlines steps on how to become a better psychic, I completely understand that it just doesn’t mean much without that heart knowledge that goes hand in hand with it. You want more than just evidence. You want to believe that you have these intense psychic abilities, but how can you relate to it?

First, let me lay down the rules of gaining that heart knowledge on your own – not from the movies and not from the people around you who tell you how you should feel. You’re here now, so you have to be your own person. It’s time for you to be an individual.

When you come from the perspective of a decadent, life-negative society that atrophys our innate psychic abilities or when you come from a selfish perspective that makes you believe that money, power, and women are the keys to your happiness, then you will never have that heart knowledge.

I understand completely that most people (including myself) want to have that feeling that they have control in their lives. But if you approach this with the intention of being controlling, then you will never have that heart knowledge.

There may be those of you at this point asking, “well, what good is the law of attraction if I can’t be decadent, selfish, greedy, or controlling?” I’m not sure why you’re here then.

For those of you still here, we realise that heart knowledge leads to belief. Heart knowledge begins with feeling. As you know, heart knowledge is explosive in action compared to head knowledge.

Negative examples of heart knowledge are the knee jerk reactions we get when we know something is going to be awful or horrendous to our senses. Positive examples are from our reactions to pleasurable expectations and sensations. In the negative, we contract from that source of stimulation. In the positive, we expand towards that stimulus.

Decadent culture does not want humanity to advance

Our collective feelings shape our perceptions of this world, therefore, our belief systems.

Of course, there are those who feel disconnected to the world and the people around them, so they turn to mechanistic science as the crux of their belief system.

The problem with these disconnected people is they accept science insofar as it supports their belief system – like a religion; they reject anything that disturbs their emotionally secure belief systems, (so they’re like most people). Unfortunately, these sad, disconnected people are the force within mainstream science.

When someone like Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., comes along and presents esoteric yet irrefutable evidence of humanity’s psychic abilities through the Quantum Holographic Paradigm, mainstream scientists want nothing to do with it because it refutes their belief systems; they’re disconnected, so they believe everyone else is also disconnected.

Disconnected people constantly feel their emotionally secure paradigm threatened exactly because their paradigm is so insecure, so they enjoy explaining away psychic phenomena even though such phenomena fall completely within the realm of quantum electrodynamics.

In the same fold, they enjoy explaining away any scientific or spiritual phenomena that would truly advance humanity – because they feel so high and mighty that noone should advance without benefit of their mechanistic religio-science.

At the risk of disturbing your belief system, I’m asking you to use the following papers as proof of humanity’s ability to truly advance forward as beings of higher consciousness: Nature’s Mind: The Quantum Hologram, Collective DNA Consciousness: Networked Intelligence, and The Holographic Universe. (I guess that would make Law of Attraction, the “Dartanian” of the four musketeers.) Yes, this is all dry, scientific proof with some wet and juicy examples of the way the universe really works: We are all a special variation of a holographic matrix.

You know what a hologram is – don’t you? Each piece of a hologram, no matter how small, still carries the same information of the whole; this is what makes each of us an aspect of God. Each of us carry the same information as the entire universe – think about it.

We are all born with innate psychic abilities because of the holographic paradigm. Extra sensory perception is really the first sense from the perspective of God, the spiritual realm, hyperspace, etc. The problem lies in our lack of use.

Like the mind, if not nurtured, our psychic senses atrophy. In that sense, choosing to believe goes beyond believing – doesn’t it? We need that experience and we need to feel that connection with the experience; that’s where we get our heart knowledge. Without that experience, we also feel disconnected.

Now, I’ve already provided psychic exercises for you at this site including visual ray psionics and thought forms. How often should you practice? All the time – it’s just like learning a musical instrument. But who’s there to remind you to practice?

Let’s face it: Decadent western culture presents a problem because there are no mainstream journalists, no politicians, no TV shows, no radio shows, no newspapers, no sales ads at Nordstroms or Safeway or the like, no priests, no family doctors reminding us to exercise our psychic abilities. There are a few teachers who help us, but they’re too few and far between.

Mainstream reminds us of the latest evils, the latest movies, the most troubled actors, the latest trends and trivial pursuits, but how many in the mainstream remind us to look to the skys and get in touch with the universe? None of them are reminding us to have sex either, so it’s all up to you. We begin with exercises we all know.

Psychic Keys

Prayer and Meditation are natural abilities. Prayer is asking God for help. Meditation is listening for answers. Noone needs any scholarly education to exercise these abilities. A scholarly approach helps us focus on psychic keys that help us further connect to the universe. This is the reason I set up Holy Life, HealingMindN: To help give you a scholarly approach to your prayers and meditation. Holy Scripture helps us to reveal those psychic keys.

These psychic keys are the same hyperspace archetypes that connects our minds to God (as explained in Stewart Swerdlow’s Healer’s Handbook: a Journey into Hyperspace). We are all born with complete access to these psychic keys.

But another problem lies in the decadent interpretation of psychic keys and dream symbols. Dry psychological culture endeavors to keep people grounded in physical reality with its disconnected interpretations. As a result, we become disconnected from the true source of these keys and symbols as they lose their spiritual meaning.

True: If we swamp our minds with trivial pursuit, mainstream sensationalism and commercialism, fear, worry, empty sex, etcetera, then those dry disconnected interpretations of us are completely valid. Such behaviour is within the boundaries of mainstream psychology, psychiatry and any associated “health” field where they believe they know what’s “best” for the people.

Let me reiterate: Anyone who brings up psychic abilities to the mainstream paradigm is attacked and berated by these dry, disconnected people. (Wilhelm Reich called them “emotional deserts.”) The actual, unmitigated scientific proof is explained away as nothing more than conjecture and anomolies.

Anything outside the heart knowledge of an emotional desert – even if remotely indicating human advancement – is considered anomolous, therefore, invalid. This type of attitude goes hand in hand with negative hallucinations (see Constructs of Belief).

What gets to me is when asking these emotional deserts, “then how do we advance humanity?” Their canned response is, “through real science!”


Still feeling disconnected? Let me try to offer proof that you’re not disconnected – from your experience: We all crave coherence. Coherence is the prerequisite for psychic phenomena like manifestation, precognition, out-of-body, telepathy, teleportation, remote viewing, and more.

Coherence is that feeling of being one with the universe. Coherence is what we get when all integrated parts of a system act in unison with parts of the universe. You can read any of the above papers, especially Nature’s Mind to further understand quantum coherence wherein we get quantum entanglement – more dry terminology?

OK. Euphoria. Do you know what euphoria feels like? For me, it’s intense, wave-like tingles coursing through every part of my body. You ever feel that? That’s your body reaching coherence. Through a simple thought, a feeling, revelation, an idea caused your body to become momentarily coherent. And what brings you the most coherence? Orgasm.

Not just any orgasm. Not from empty, spiritless swinger sex (advocated by satanists). In fact, there are sexaholics in the same fold as there are food addicts. I believe the paper on mineralised organic superfoods provides a good perspective: When we suffer from inner cellular starvation due to lack of essential nutrients in our foods, then we’re constantly hungry.

By the same token, sexaholics are suffering from that “inner starvation” from lack of coherence because their sex is as empty as the food source which causes obesity. People become gluttons for empty sex, food, and worse because they are suffering from that inner starvation.

This inner starvation for coherence is also what drives people to do funky, dangerous things to their bodys like drug addiction, fetishes, and worse. Some Kids crave coherence to such a dangerous degree that they get into the choking game because it provides euphoria, albeit, false-euphoria when the blood is simply rushing back into their brains. (These kids are gifted psychics who are starving to use their abilities.) Coherence is that “high” that people crave, but decadent culture prefers to have people debilitate their minds and bodys in order to achieve that “high” rather than advocate the advancement of humanity.


Enough about decadent culture. Let’s talk about you – and why you’re here. You crave coherence like anyone else. This is why you crave orgasm – not just any orgasm. You want the perfect orgasm. You want the kind that actually fills you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head – and beyond. This is why the site, Sexual HealingMindN, exists. This site is based on The Tao of Sexology, The Book of Infinite Wisdom” by Dr. Stephen Chang.

From what I’ve experienced, taoist sexology provides the most accessable psychic self-improvement exercises that help people achieve coherence; it advocates true love and spirituality between matching partners who are willing to pour themselves into each other with complete surrender and passion for each other.

These prerequisites are necessary for complete coherence wherein the woman acts as the carrier wave, bridge, or doorway to alternate realities as she reaches the nine wave of orgasm while the man rides that wave as the “signal” to God, so to speak, that he has achieved the necessary coherence for the heart knowledge. For this reason, the man is completely responsible for the health, happiness and well being of the woman in a relationship.

True: The sexual function is there for our procreation. It’s also there to fulfill our longing for cosmic convergence (according to Wilhelm Reich). It’s also there to help us achieve coherence because we’re not just physical beings: We are also spiritual beings intimately connected to physical bodies as part of a quantum holographic matrix known as the universe – and we want to feel that connectedness to the universe. We want that heart knowledge.

We don’t have to think about all these technical details to advance ourselves. What we want is the heart knowledge of achieving that experience, so let me ask you.

When is the last time you completely surrendered yourself to your partner in love, passion, and spirituality to achieve complete euphoria? How would you describe it? What did it feel like? What about when you discovered something that made you feel completely reborn inside? That intense feeling of revelation – what did it feel like?.. That’s your heart knowledge.

Now, focus on something else that caused the same feelings of euphoria within you. How did you achieve that “something else?” What steps did you take? Remember backwards on those events that took place just before you achieved euphoria. How did you get there?

Now, focus on something that you don’t have that would benefit you and the people around you. Focus on the feelings of euphoria that this extra “something” would bring to you and your loved ones. Focus on the euphoria of having this extra resource. How would you describe your feelings as you imagine this extra benefit helping others, as they, in turn, help you? Don’t just imagine. Remember backwards on those events that took place just before you achieved euphoria. Your heart knowledge guides your vision which is focused by your passion.

As long as you maintain your connectivity to God, you are your own greatest resource in the great circuit of life. Follow your heart’s knowledge through personal experience, then choose to believe.

Thanks for your time.


Randolph Fabian Directo

P.S.  See “Hammering Iron in a Magnetic field” to get a different perspective from Mind Control Expert, Alan Tutt.

To see your law of attraction at work, there’s a psionic rain video located at Nature’s Mind and Collective DNA Consciousness. This is an actual rain radionic modulated upon alpha rhythm neural patterns. Specifically, this particular pattern is a Schumann resonance to help match standing wave resonance on this planet. Would you be so kind as to spend about four minutes on this video, then look into the sky. We need rain.

Thanks in advance.

Philosophy Spiritual Control

April Films: Love, Ghosts, Spiritual Fulfillment

April Films

Curtain CallCurtain Call: Feature Film – Domestic : CURTAIN CALL is an amusing feature film starring James Spader, Maggie Smith and Michael Caine. The story revolves around a young publishing executive named Stevenson Lowe (James Spader) who moves into a house inhabited by the ghosts of two famous stage actors from a previous age, Lily Marlowe and Max Gale (Maggie Smith and Michael Caine). The ghosts quickly involve themselves in Stevenson’s life, helping to foil any chance of success he might have with his girlfriend Julia (Polly Walker), and making complete nuisances of themselves in every way possible. Incredibly though, even the ghosts evolve in this story of life and life after death, becoming happier, healthier beings who teach us that it’s never too late to learn something new.

CURTAIN CALL is featured in the April volume of Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club specializing in heart-opening and soul-stirring films. Also, included in this volume are three moving and inspiring short films. New subscribers to the Spiritual Cinema Circle can receive a free trial membership (for a nominal shipping fee) by visiting Spiritual Cinema Circle. Click here for the Spiritual Cinema Circle Free DVD Trial

Mystic Ball Mystic Ball: Feature Film – International : This beautiful documentary is one-part inspiring sports movie and one-part spiritual quest as Greg Hamilton explores the art of chinlone, an engaging ball game played by almost every Burmese person, regardless of age or gender, living in Myanmar.

Across the HallAcross the Hall (El Otro Lado Del Pasillo): Giving us an intimate look at what it’s like to be an immigrant in a strange culture this short film shows a family trying to fit in when nothing seems to fit quite right.
The Wine BarThe Wine Bar: This short film transports us to a cozy wine bar on a winter evening in Manhattan. Henry walks in looking for a beer, and in his bumbling innocence, both offends and charms the bartender and the beautiful woman reading beside him.

Lucy's Piano Lucy’s Piano: Starring Stephanie Zimbalist (Remington Steele), this short film reveals the transformation that can occur when humanity comes in to soften the blow of a tragic loss.

April Promotional Offers

Free Trial

3 Month Gift Subscription:

  • Looking for a special gift for Mother’s Day? Give 3 months of enlightening and inspiring entertainment from Spiritual Cinema Circle. You’ll receive 18 films in all for just $59.95+ S&H.

Thanks for Your Healing Mind,


Mind Control Self Improvement Spiritual Control

Law of Attraction: Choose to Believe

Alan Tutt has done it again…

The newest book on the Law of Attraction is now available, and from all the reports, this is the BEST ONE YET!!

It’s called “Choose to Believe,” written by Alan Tutt of PowerKeys Publishing.

Within this revolutionary new book, Alan presents some VERY interesting concepts – including some that have NEVER been presented before.

Concepts such as:

  • why thoughts DO NOT create reality
  • how quantum irregularities become real magic
  • why you’re not ALWAYS responsible for the things that happen to you
  • why we sometimes experience things that conflict with our surface beliefs
  • why some people use affirmations or visualizations and get the opposite of what they focus upon
  • why the connection between reality and the Power of Belief is not always obvious
  • the role the Placebo Effect plays in creating the life of your dreams.

Of course, understanding WHY things happens is not nearly as important as knowing HOW to change things as you desire. Alan presents a POWERFUL system for doing exactly this, and offers some UNIQUE tools.

Tools such as:

* – a simple way of organizing yourself so that you’re always taking the MOST EFFECTIVE action at any given moment

* – a set of questions to discover HIDDEN BELIEFS that may be standing in your way

* – a unique approach to doing affirmations based on concepts from conversational hypnosis

* – how to INSTANTLY establish a strong belief in whatever you desire

* – what to do AFTER you change your beliefs – how to ensure the new beliefs ‘take hold’ and produce the results you expect

* – how to change the beliefs of others, especially when their beliefs affect your experience

As you can see, Alan rips away ALL barriers to EFFECTIVELY using the Law of Attraction, and gives you EVERY tool you need to simply Choose To Believe.

During the final stages of producing this book, Alan allowed a few select individuals to look it over and comment about what did or didn’t work. Here are some of the things these folks had to say about “Choose To Believe“:

* – This may be the best in terms of new, useful information I have heard in years. And I’ve read and heard plenty.

– Robert Blake

* – Choose To Believe is for the best and highest good of all.

– Al Diaz

* – Choose To Believe will probably be the most important book you read this year.

– Iain Legg

* – With this book, Alan delivers what other teachers only promise.

– Charles Burke

* – Anyone who reads this book will experience a miraculous transformation!

– Michael Lee

* – If you really care to change your life for the better, this book is for you.

– Irena Whitfield

* – … expect to be challenged, inspired, empowered and educated by this book.

– Donna Maher

* – This unique book is unlike any other I’ve ever read before!

– Enoch Tan

Compared to other books and courses available online, you’d expect that “Choose To Believe” would be priced at $97 or more!

However, this is where Alan defies standard marketing logic. This amazing new book can be yours for a mere $17.95!!

What’s the catch, you ask?

There is none.

There IS one minor glitch, however.

Choose To Believe” is being produced as a paperback book that cannot be downloaded, but delivered through standard shipping.

AND, it’s currently being printed, which means that Alan cannot yet ship it to you. He should have books available before the end of April, but not now.

So why am I telling you about it NOW?

Alan has created a FANTASTIC OFFER for those who purchase this book BEFORE it’s physically available.

Here are the details of the PRE-PUBLICATION SPECIAL:

Anyone who purchases “Choose To Believe” before April 30th will receive:

* – An autographed copy as soon as the books are delivered from the printer. Autographed copies become collector items and are more valuable than a plain book. Think about it…

* – A download link for Alan’s KTP Mastery System. This is a collection of Alan’s earlier books and audio programs currently being sold for $67.

* – A direct download of EVERY ebook in PowerKeys Publishing’s Self-Empowerment Ebook of the Week Club (SEEWC).

And for the FIRST 500 customers, a TRULY once in a lifetime opportunity, never to be available again!

Because it will take approximately 500 sales of Alan’s new book to completely pay for the printing bill, he’s offering the first 500 customers a COMPLIMENTARY copy of an E-BOOK EDITION of Choose To Believe. (Alan does not plan to make an ebook edition generally available.)

This way, you can be reading the book while waiting for the printed copy to arrive.

And all of this for $17.95 plus shipping. FANTASTIC!!

Thanks for your time.

Happy Healing,

Randolph @ HealingMindN

P.S. From what I understand, there are 3000 copies being printed, and Alan himself has over 5700 subscribers on HIS mailing list. This means that all 3000 copies COULD sell out before the end of April, so don’t delay. Grab your copy NOW!

One more thing. Download a free sampler ebook of Choose to Believe. Alan actually did discover some very cool mind control resources unknown to me until now.

Psychoenergetics Spiritual Control

Radionic Prayer Request

Born February 15 in Warwick, R.I., Julie Bay was 5lbs 13 oz, and Alanna Bay was 4lbs 12oz. These wonderful twins have multiple, multiple birth defects.

These are the defects we know as of now:

1) Both girls have polysplenia. They each have 6 spleens. It is unsure if any of them are working and further testing is required.

2) Julie also has bi-lateral left-sidedness. This means that she has 2 left lungs, missing the 3rd lobe that is present normally.

3) Julie has no descending aorta from her heart! Her tiny body has adjusted already, creating several small blood vessels to carry blood away from her heart. However, this is no long-term solution and Julie may die if doctors cannot create an aorta.

At this time, the doctors are unsure if Julie has other heart abnormalities. Further testing is required.

4) Julie also has a problem with the location of her duodenum (connector from stomach to small intestine). It is rotated and may be the cause of her recent bowel problem. In the future, she will have to be closely monitored for bowel obstructions.

Testing is under way to determine if the girls are identical twins. Because they were not in the same amniotic sac, it was assumed that the girls are not. However, since both girls have 6 spleens, it is imperative that doctors know for sure; if they are identical twins, Alanna will most definitely have each of the medical defects which have already been identified in Julie. Since Alanna has already been diagnosed as having 6 spleens just as does Julie, doctors are believing right now that she has all the birth defects of Julie. Alanna is the smaller one so testing will have to wait a short while.

Julie and Alanna Bay really need your prayers for healing. Please take 3 minutes to pray for these twins. This special video is set up for you to carry your prayers to them. This is a 3 dimensional radionic modulated upon a Christ Frequency healing and alpha rhythm brainwave entrainment.

Every point in space and time has a unique vibratory rate of resonance. When an object matches that particular vibratory rate, there is an instantaneous resonant connection. The vibratory rate of a person, place, or thing is determined by accessing their frequency via a photo, name, or personal object; radionic tuning can be done by device or by the trained human mind.

This means that your mind is the central tuning mechanism for obtaining unique vibratory rates. All you need is a psionic tuning key such as this radionic video. Your intention towards healing the twins within this 3 minute span is of the utmost importance; no other intention will work.

Alpha rhythm is also important for establishing a psychic bridge. This planet continuously experiences at least 2000 lightning storms in any particular part of the world; this electrical activity is akin to neural activity in the brain. Lighting storms also cause the standing resonant waves between the earth’s surface and ionosphere. The famous Schumman resonance of 7.83 Hz is one average of these geophysical, standing resonant waves. The standing resonant waves of alpha rhythms are most prominent on this planet, so we use them in psychic communication.

As a form of harmonic translation such as binaural beats, the human psychoenergetic system responds to standing resonant electromagnetic rhythms of the earth with resonant alpha rhythms, a relaxed yet aware state of consciousness. We use these bioresonant harmonics as bioenergy carriers of information. In this case, we send healing intention to Julie and Alanna Bay.

Your 3 minute focus here will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the healing ability to achieve your heart’s desire. More videos like this can be personalised upon our success with Julie and Alanna. Stay tuned for results

Thanks for your time.

Happy Healing,

Randolph @

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