Disciplinary Studies

Multiple Mentalism: The Multiple Mentality Course

Heal Your Mind from One Way Thinking

Introduction to Multiple Mentalism exercise 1 for memory improvement: writing the alphabet backwards.

“Writing the Alphabet Backwards”

How to Write the Alphabet Backwards

The first lessons are almost childishly simple. But as you progress from one to another they become more difficult and involved. However, you mind will become correspondingly more able to grasp them and, in a surprisingly short time, you will actually be amazed by your own ability to perform mental feats you had not thought possible — feats of incalculable value to you in the business and professional world. You will realize at last that there is literally NO LIMIT to the extent to which you will be able to make your mind work for you!

With each lesson, you will learn how you can apply the principles of mental function you acquire to help you in your everyday life. There is no lesson that does not have it practical application in achieving financial or social success. When you are only half way through, you will be unwilling to accept $1000 for the ability you already will have acquired. No matter what your education, training, or experience, you will be using them to real advantage for the first time your your life.

Obviously, this course can benefit you only in proportion to the time and sincerity with which you follow it. Therefore, devote the prescribed time and effort to every lesson. Do not cheat yourself. Do not copy the exercises from the words you put down. Do them from memory — and from memory alone. Do not proceed to any lesson until you have thoroughly mastered the one preceding it. To do so defeats the purpose of the course defeats your own desires — nullifies your efforts. Be fair with yourself throughout! Be Your Own Boss! Soon you will be achieving mental exercises previously never thought possible.

Although the exercises necessarily are performed with words and figures, the results they accomplish in building Brain Power will be reflected in your work day by day, no matter what that work may be. you will find that problems now difficult or impossible for you to cope with resolve themselves into simple matters before you are half way through the course. In short, the Impossible Becomes Simple!

There lies dormant within every man and woman in some thought, idea, plan — call it what you will — that probably is deeply buried in his subconscious mind, doomed never to reach fruition. But if that thought or plan were brought into the light, allowed to develop, it would make its owner a truly outstanding SUCCESS — a man of achievement to which people would point. If you train your mind to work for you — to delve into the unexplored resources of your brain and emerge with the treasures hidden therein, then spectacular success will be yours! If you are honest with yourself in understanding Multiple Mentalism, if you are earnest and sincere in your desire to rise far above the ordinary, then we will show you how to be successful and powerful beyond your fondest dreams! Simply follow the instructions as given and you will amaze both yourself and the world at large!


Although this is the simplest of twelve exercises, it is by far the most important, for it is upon this exercise that all subsequent instructions are based. Now is the time to acquire the proper habit of study. “Well begun is half done,” and this exercise comprising three separate mental drills affords you the opportunity to establish your earnestness, punctuality, and continuity of effort. It is designed to train you to apply yourself to a mastery of Multiple Mentalism and to give you a firm foundation of thought application upon which the rest of the lessons in this course depend.

You must not copy this exercise, but must work from memory alone! In this way, and ONLY in this way, will you be able to train your mind to do things for you, when and as you want them done! It is work, but it is fun too. It takes time, but it is worth it! And the results will seem nothing less than miraculous! First Lesson, the English Alphabet: (I have found that an inexpensive electronic notebook is most useful in doing the following exercises. Having to rip through one piece of paper after another is just a hassle!)


We were taught to memorize this in the first grade – in this order. Now, with pencil and paper, BUT WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT EVEN ONCE, write the alphabet backwards FIFTY TIMES. Throw away or cover each of your previous writings each time. Don’t Cheat! The first time will be difficult and you may make mistakes. But don’t look, nor copy, nor take too long to “think it out.” Write it backwards at a fairly even speed, regardless of how slow that speed may be, and do so from MEMORY only. This is the first training for your mind. In ten or twenty attempts you will be able to write the alphabet backwards easily. Do it fifty times or more until you will have mastered it perfectly. Do Not Proceed until you have mastered this lesson.

  1. Start by copying the alphabet backwards into the text field below (Do NOT look at the text field!)
  2. When you feel comfortable with this exercise, erase your exercises from the text field
  3. Move the alphabet away from your visual range, then copy it backwards from memory
  4. Also try doing this with your eyes closed (You know the alphabet forwards with your eyes closed!)

Use the following text field to practice writing the alphabet backwards:

Click for multiple mentalism exercise 2:

The Best Teachers in Mind Development – Methods Exposed like Hand in Glove

How to memorize a list of three letter words forwards and backwards using methods from Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course, lesson one, part 2 and Harry Lorayne’s How to Develop a Super Power Memory, Peg System of Memory.

Below is original text from Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course, lesson 1, part 2. In juxtaposition, separated by blockquotes such as these, follows Harry Lorayne’s Peg and Link system to help you logically generate lists of memorable three letter words.

“50 three letter words from memory”

First lesson, exercise II: Write from memory as many three-letter words as you can, at least fifty of them. Fifty to one hundred would be better. There is not much mental work involved in that. Is there? Here are just a few samples:MAN DOG CAT THE HAY SEX RUN TOP WAS BUT NOW FOR HIP HAT AND AIM ALL END

Use the following text field to practice writing three letter words forwards – from memory.
Please push the list of words above the fold of the page,
so you can’t cheat:

Now, write your list from memory! Do not copy these words, but think up three-letter words yourself and write them on a sheet of paper (or the space above which is much less wasteful). Write them a half dozen times until you have them pretty well in mind and can recall them from memory.

Before you proceed trying to memorize a random list of three letter words which can take a very long time, please examine the Peg and Link System for creating a logical list of words:

  1. tie – number 1 represents hard sounds “t” or “d”
  2. Noah – number 2 represents hard sound “n”
  3. ma – number 3 represents hard sound “m”
  4. rye – number 4 represents hard sound “r”
  5. law – number 5 represents hard sound “l”
  6. shoe – number 6 represents soft sounds “sh,” “ch,” “g,” or “j”
  7. cow – number 7 represents hard sounds “c,” “k,” “g,” or “q”
  8. ivy – number 8 represents hard sounds “v” or “f”
  9. bee – number 9 represents hard sounds “b” or “p”
  10. toes – number 0 represents hard sounds “s” or “z” – Since “10” is a combination of two numbers, this forms a new word which sounds like “toes.” We might also pronounce “doze,” but nouns tend to be easier memory pegs.

Vowels and left over consonants like “h” and “w” have no value; they are filled in according to context and your personal phonetic cognitions. The Peg and Link System helps us memorize a series of words first as a number association with the “peg” word, second as an image association with the “link” word. The “peg” word is a logical association because of the numeric value. The “link” word is usually an illogical association because of the image value.

For the moment we will use the “peg” word association to form any number of three letter words to fulfill the Multiple Mentality Exercise. For example (vowels are only filled into form nouns):

11 - tit, tot, tut
12 - tan, tin, ton, den
19 - tab, tub, tap, tip, top
21 - net, nit, nut, nod
29 - nub, nap, nip

You can get as creative as necessary to “memorize” any number of “peg” words. When you see the word “cat,” you know this represents the number 71. From 71, you can form other three letter words such as “cut,” “cot,” “kit, “gut,” “cad,” “cod,” “God,” etc. Using the Peg System of word “memorizing,” you can go back to that first exercise and fill in the window with at least 50 three letter words!

Next, without looking at what you have written, write as many of those words as you can remember, BACKWARDS, from memory, like this: NAM GOD TAC EHT XES NUR POT SAW TUB WON ROF PIH TAH DNA MIA LLA DNE

Some of the words you have selected will form new and correct words when spelled backwards, but disregard these new words thus formed. For the purpose of this exercise they mean nothing, but are merely coincidences.

Palindromes aside, every word “memorized” counts. For example, the number 17 easily forms three letter words like “dig,” “dog,” “tag,” etc., but just as easily forms words backwards such as the above example.

The purpose of this drill is to train your mind to see things wholistically and in their entirety. For instance, when you think of the word “can,” it would mean not just the sequence “c-a-n” to you, but should also appear as a picture in your mind, of three letters, each equally important regardless of arrangement. The “a” is as important as the “c” or the “n” even though it is in the middle of the word. You can see the practical application of this in the consideration of common place problems of life and business!

Use the following text field to practice writing three letter words backwards – from memory:

Repeat this exercise twenty-five times, each time removing your previous effort from sight and making your new attempt entirely from memory, quickly forwards or backwards. When that word pictures itself in your mind, it will appear to you not as a static sequence of three letters, but as three separate letters which your mind will be able to group into any form at will.

“But what good will that do me?” you may ask. “What good is it to me to be able to spell short words backwards?” This exercise will have taught your brain to do something it never could do before — it will have broken down another rut in which your mind was traveling — it is a step towards untrammeled, original thinking. And it will have developed your brain by just that much preparing it for further training by the lessons that follow in this course.

Furthermore, it will have trained your brain to see little things like little words, in their entirety. The small problems of life or business or the home are made up of two or three sides, or questions, or “angles.” Now matter how simple, every question has at least two sides.

The successful man is the one who can see ALL sides at once, the other person’s as well as his own. Knowing the other person’s problem he is able to take advantage of the situation to his own interests. The other person, who sees only HIS side of the matter and does not grasp the problem as a whole, is placed at such disadvantage that he usually comes out second best. This exercise is powerful indeed in its potentiality.

Of course, learning the lessons so far will not make you a success overnight in whatever you are striving for, but they have started your brain on the path to clear, concise, concurrent and analytical thinking which is essential to success in any effort.

If the rich rewards offered you through Multiple Mentalism seem disproportionate to the seeming childishness of the exercises given here, think again! True, you will not become chairman of the board in charge of all the Dupont interests because of your ability to write backwards. Nor will you land any big contracts based on your strength of transposing letters of the alphabet. But neither would Mohammed Ali expect to enter the ring with a skipping rope and beguil the public with the old childhood formula, “Salt, Pepper, Mustard, Vinegar.” He spent much of his training time in skipping rope but only to improve his footwork, coordination, and endurance.

In other words, the exercises provided here are silly if viewed as ends in themselves, which they are NOT – unless you intend on becoming mayor of Palo Alto. (For example, a martial artist might play memory games, so he can instantly recall every situation surrounding himself and his opponent.)

Considered in their true character, as MEANS to an end, they are the most effective, the most fruitful, the speediest, and most practical means of mind training that the world has ever known. Actual results will prove that I am understating their value.

With a better understanding and appreciation of what it takes to gain Multiple Mentalism, we are ready to advance.

Free eBook: Harry Kahne Multiple Mentality Course

Lesson 2, EXERCISE I: Transpose the Alphabet

Second Lesson:  Transpose in 1-3 2-4 order the letters of the alphabet from A to Z as follows:

A C B D, E G F H, I K J L, M O N P, Q S R T, U W V X, Y Z

Do this FIFTY times from MEMORY ONLY.  It will be by no means easy the first few times, but you will gain accuracy quickly (especially if you have mastered the first lesson).  However, you will profit nothing if you look at the letters of the alphabet in order to copy the exercise, so make sure you have plenty of scratch paper. 

Its value lies in the training given you by breaking up the sequence of letters in YOUR MIND without the help of your eyes.  You can readily understand how this will lead to mental agility in grasping and revolving business problems in your mind. 

Therefore, do this exercise AT LEAST fifty times, or as many more times as may be necessary for you to be able to do it quickly and accurately. Use the following text field to practice writing the transposed alphabet (from memory):

Click here for multiple mentalism lesson 3, exercise I: (Books on the subject of Harry Kahne and Multiple Mentalism may be found at

thoughts wave to HealingMindN Index
ask for more lessons!

Free eBook: Harry Kahne Multiple Mentality Course

Hello, I have a confession to make. It’s been my aspiration to publish Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course at this website in full, but for some reason, I’m not getting round to it. In fact, I would like to develop a video game with all the bells, whistles, and timers to help you train your own multiple mentality.

I have seen that this is a very well visited page, so to help the multiple mentality enthusiasts go forward, I am providing the entire course in eBook format.

Hello, I have a confession to make. It’s been my aspiration to publish Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course at this website in full, but for some reason, I’m not getting round to it. In fact, I would like to develop a video game with all the bells, whistles, and timers to help you train your own multiple mentality.

I have seen that this is a very well visited page, so to help the multiple mentality enthusiasts go forward, I am providing the entire course in eBook format.

All you have to do is get a free subscription to Way of the MindGate Group. You will be asked to confirm your subscription where you will find a link that goes to the “Refer A Mental” Page. From there, you are provided a link to download your personal copy of Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course.

Thank you for going forward with your personal development!


Learn how to get your personal copy of The Multiple Mentality Course, a Series of Exercises leading to the Development of Greater Mental Power. A True Course in Right/Left Brain Training, Development of Creative Intelligence and Conscious Fostering of Intuitive Powers by Harry Kahne.

Lesson 3, EXERCISE I: Forwards/Backwards Transpose the Alphabet

Third Lesson:  In the same way, transpose the letters of the alphabet FIFTY TIMES, in the order of 1-26, 2-25, 3-24, 4-23, 5-22, etc.  The first 13 letters (A to M, inclusive) in their regular order; the last 23 (Z to N, inclusive) backwards; intermingling the two halves of the alphabet thus::


Do this also from MEMORY only.  Do not copy or look at the alphabet.  And when you are doing this exercise realizing that you are doing two things at once with your mind:  You are writing the first half of the alphabet in its usual sequence, and the last thirteen letters in reverse order. 

You are making your brain do something for you that it never did before.  It is performing a dual operation.  When you have done this third part of Exercise I fifty times, entirely from memory, you will have demonstrated to yourself that you can make your mind really work for you with a nimbleness and certainty heretofore unrealized! Use the following text field to practice writing the forwards/backwards transposed alphabet (from memory):

Don’t forget that you cheat only yourself, not anyone else, if you fail to perform these mental gymnastics from memory and if you fail to spend ONE HOUR A DAY on these exercises. One hour spread throughout the day during your breaks and off hours works fine.

On your honor, for your own sake, master this exercise, all three lessons, before you go on to Exercise II.  Each exercise and lesson in this course is based on all that goes before it.  Your success with the second lesson depends on your mastery of the first.  Be conscientious.  Be fair to yourself.  Be Your Own Boss.  Spend all the time you need to do each exercise quickly, accurately, and easily.

Remember, however, that the letters, words and figures used in this training are merely the tools with which you work on your mental processes, as useless in themselves as a slide rule is to a sunday driver. They are the means, the end result is a mind of such power and adaptability that it will cary you to pinnacles of achievement far beyond your present imagination.

Click here for lesson 1, exercise II: (Books on the subject of Harry Kahne and Multiple Mentalism may be found at

thoughts wave to HealingMindN Index
ask for more lessons!

Free eBook: Harry Kahne Multiple Mentality Course

Hello, I have a confession to make. It’s been my aspiration to publish Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course at this website in full, but for some reason, I’m not getting round to it. In fact, I would like to develop a video game with all the bells, whistles, and timers to help you train your own multiple mentality.

I have seen that this is a very well visited page, so to help the multiple mentality enthusiasts go forward, I am providing the entire course in eBook format.

All you have to do is get a free subscription to Way of the MindGate Group. You will be asked to confirm your subscription where you will find a link that goes to the “Refer A Mental” Page. From there, you are provided a link to download your personal copy of Harry Kahne’s Multiple Mentality Course.

Thank you for going forward with your personal development!


Learn how to get your personal copy of The Multiple Mentality Course, a Series of Exercises leading to the Development of Greater Mental Power. A True Course in Right/Left Brain Training, Development of Creative Intelligence and Conscious Fostering of Intuitive Powers by Harry Kahne.